first timer wanabee modelrailroader newbie


Towering pines construction

Hi all
I would like to share images of my modeling efforts in Ho scale and other train related things, however I dont know if I am at the right forum, my aproach is lighthearted towards enjoying the fun side of modeling with others and not seeking recognition for finescale master level models.

Am I in the right place?
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Welcome to the forum Phillip. I don't see anything "lighthearted" about your models - they look pretty dang good to me! :cool:
Man I ll tell you
I joined a forum and started posting there,then one guy mailed me on the side and wanted to know what im trying to do ? turns out it was some finescale bigshot only modelers forum. shit I didnt know ,gheeez ,I live in south africa man. just wanted to share my hobby with someone.well at least I now know to introduce myself as a complete novise. and ask if im welcome to post my medeocre modeling here.
Man I ll tell you
I joined a forum and started posting there,then one guy mailed me on the side and wanted to know what im trying to do ? turns out it was some finescale bigshot only modelers forum. shit I didnt know ,gheeez ,I live in south africa man. just wanted to share my hobby with someone.well at least I now know to introduce myself as a complete novise. and ask if im welcome to post my medeocre modeling here.

Ask the weenie if he ever heard of Malcolm Furlow. I don't see anything wrong with what you're doing either. Which forum if I may ask? You can PM me if you don't want to name names here.

Nobody will look down their nose at you here. Welcome!
wow phil that is some nice looking work!!! post more pics pleasr

were all pic junkies here!! also WELCOME to the group:D
WOW that is some mighty fine modeling Phillip!! I think we would all like to see some more pics :D

Welcome to the forum!!
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Welcome aboard Phillip. I certainly don't see anything about your pictures that makes you a novice. Very nice work on both structures and scenery.
As far as the self appointed supreme authority on that other forum whose role in life is to belittle those who fail to meet his high standards I say let him fester in his own offal.

Many years ago at a local hobby shop that catered more to the crafstman side of the hobby there was a guy who not only counted rivets but could even find fault with how they had been set or peened over. He was very quick to criticise anything and everything no matter the era or the railroad. All we ever knew was he claimed to be in O scale but nobody ever saw so much as a picture of his railroad never mind any actual items from it. Long story made short; one day about 10 years ago 3 other modellers got a chance to visit him. His layout was all Lionel 027 on a single track shelf loop around his basement walls. No scenery or even ballast. No builldings and not 1 turnout. He was certainly well read on the subject but not a scale hobbiest by any stretch of the imagination. That would have probably taken up the time he used to nit pick!

This is a great forum with every level of talent. I found it recently after a long down time in the hobby and all have been most helpful and inspiring. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself and be quite comfortable here. :)
As far as the self appointed supreme authority on that other forum whose role in life is to belittle those who fail to meet his high standards I say let him fester in his own offal.

No No, this dude wasnt the moderator just a sr member
The moderator was actually nice ,explaining the site was aimed at the cream of the crop and it is those dudes really look at their models with a microscope execptional quality ,even the old german that took me on had an showstopper exhibition layout.

take a look if you want to see what im talking about
thse guys know what their doing,not that I would know what it is that their doing....but it sure looks real

Ps this isnt the german dude giving me gripe
here more on my own layout The TOWERING PINES or lone wolf timber ,I will probably choose one or the other title ,havent decided, this has been a series of indecisions regarding this layout.I finally settled on mountain logging with a harbour. not sure of the scale yet .the track is code 100 hornby so the bigger I go the better it would look in relation to the track. I dont have any equipment for the railroad yet and work will focus around scenery like trees and backdrop for the imediate future.
I built a handfull of FSM inspired structures when I first started in what coul pass for either HO or OO scale but intend to scrap all these and start over, ill put them all on little dioramas of their own and offer them for sale at a convention. what I do have is a few HO chasis to build onto some small scratchbuilt mountain logging locos maybe in 1:43 .I can find nice old car models in this size here in South Africa but the rest will probably all be scratchbuilt out of necesity.Hard to find anything but HO and N here and importing it too costly with uor weak currency.

A bonus with 1:43 would be detail, my layout will look more like a large diarama with very limited operation but seeing I model alone and my pleasure is the creation Ill probably be content whatching my trains run around once a day while scratchbuilding something, wow just imagining getting to that stage feel nice and peacefull. No BIG todoo here just enjoying the hobby sir. Plus I can get my 8 year old involved, he was building a tugboat with me over the weekend and really enjoyed it too, I posted our duel tugboat build progress on that other website that wont be named and thats when I got into hot watter with the german.Still boils my blood,wasnt no super model,just a fun dad son thing to share.
that asside Ive also been painting trains,my third attemt can be seen on the for sale thread. All SA narow guage though.....Love that stuff...
Not a good picture ,maybee ill post better ones when they are all done.

cheers vir eers
Got in some time on the towering pines this week, making a backdrop for the mountain helix erea, I would like to give a discription of the progress as I go along.

this is the area I am dealing with, first step is to get a surface to paint on.I used a large sheet of plastic card for this,its not very stiff but light enough for me to handle ,I had to join a peice as the sheet was too short and getting it onto the wall was dificult by myself . is the initial drawing. the large white canvas can be intimidating so I get some spray cans and make a mess, just to show whose boss. basic lay of the land in place I can start ading some paint. A light blue followed up by a deeper colour at the top. mixing them in on the mural as i go. All the paint is waterbased acrylic painted on by brush.the big diference in this aproach is texture. with the type of paint I use I get a decent amount of brush texture showing on the surface, I paint the sky with all the brush stroke texture flowing in the same direction ,going up and to the left, the idear is to paint the clouds coming over the land scape in the same direction and the texture will enforce this momentum ,very suttle effect. At this stage I dont really fuss over getting anything just so, with clouds still to be painted theres lots of paintwork to cover any defects.While I have the blue handy I aded some to the lake area working horizontally with the brush.
Things are moving along now and I start in with the spray cans, ading some dark blue to the very top slightly and a little white in a horizontal stroke at the bottom, very suttle with the spray here. the top of my plastic card backbord sits a few inches from the roof so I plan to add a nice wood cornice between the wall and ceiling later to finish it off neatly, until then I just paint it all the way up.

The initial work on the sky done we move forward on the mural to the distant mountains, looking at the refrence picture and choosing colours acordingly.Here also I try to get in some texture and aply paint generously with a smaller fan brush, alowing me to use its flat side or turn it sideways for smaller aplications, I dont need to clean the brush in water when swopping colours and the paints get mixed on the mural itself as I paint . Start with the dark colours first going to lighter colours of earth tones.
Several colours were used on after another alowing no drying time, acrylic dries in a few hours if aplied impasto ,paint from my first aplication now resurface as I disturb it again with new colour, this along with my messy brush helps keep all the colours we aply relevent in the final rendering.when satisfeid I have added at least seven or more colours I took some dirt that I use on the rest of the layout and blow it into the paint to help tie the backdrop mountain in with the foreground scenery colour.At this point I start using the spray again to soften things up a bit ,short spurts of dark blue in areas in shadow and light misting of beige in areas in the light with a little choclate brown to flatten everything out again creating a out of focus ,haze effect comon to distant horizons.
On to green, using about five diferent shades matched up to the picture refrence I added vegetation growing up the mountain slope and the furthest trees at the bottom of the mountain.Again using spray to tone down and give a sence of distance with a light misting of white and blue after all the paint was in place ,once it all dried ( about an hour later) I drybrushed light blue onto the bottom of the mountain again using the large brush to enforce distance between the bottom of the mountain and the next line of trees to come.

And thats how far I got tonight! Next Ill add the second line of trees and the clouds.Hope my explanations arent too boring ,please let me know if your reading and have any tips for me.

cheers vir eers
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WOW Phillip that scenery and backdrop work is really moving along, looking better all the time! Do keep those pics comin'
