
  1. Colorado Midland Modeler

    My layout: The Colorado Midland, Midland Terminal, & Short Line.

    Here's a little bit of the story of how my layout came to be. I've been into model trains since I was a little kid, Lionel sets and Thomas the Tank Engine got that ball rolling, but I didn't have any place to set anything up and kind of walked away from it for a little while. Eventually, I...
  2. Jupiter60

    Tosays project: finally painting and lettering my kitbashed (2 roundhouse overton cars) into Sierra Railroad Coach no. 2.

  3. OWilks1

    Roundhouse 0-6-0 shorting out and motor stalling

    Hi all, first post here. Just working on 2 supposed roundhouse tender 0-6-0's and they both short circuit when running for a tiny bit. One of them also has a motor that will stall and only run for a tiny bit if i give it a little spin myself. While stalled, the motor starts to get really hot as...
  4. Modeltrains2021

    Round house climax truck

    Hi i recently acquired a round house climax and was wondering what online stores has a replacment truck tia.
  5. H

    Round House or no round house?

    Hey folks, I'm fairly new to railroading and building an n scale layout, current period, coal mining, coal trains. CSX, Norfolk Southern and a few BNSF diesel locos. I like to look of a roundhouse but I have also seen something that looks similar I think called a "transfer table," where the...
  6. picture_0071


    Not my layout or pics, but was copied from the old gauge, in the old photo gallery, long since lost now.
  7. SP at Bridgeport Roundhouse

    SP at Bridgeport Roundhouse

    Southern Pacific power gathers at the Bridgeport Roundhouse on the Mount Hood Model Engineer HO Scale layout.
  8. At the Ash Pit

    At the Ash Pit

    Decapod #279 has just sauntered off the turntable as American #499 takes on water after dumping her ashes before moving to the roundhouse for minor repairs.
  9. HO layout: Ottbergen- Bad Driburg

    HO layout: Ottbergen- Bad Driburg

    Some pictures I made during my visit last week from an exact copy of the railwaystation Ottbergen during the 1970-ies including the yards , roundhouse and suplytracks for the many steamengines wich had to "help"the mainlinetrains up the steep hill to Altenbeken...
  10. Scratch built roundhouse

    Scratch built roundhouse

    Night image of a scratch built roundhouse. All wood wall cut/planed from ceder 2x6 lumber.
  11. Weathered MDC/Roundhouse PS Texas Mexican Railway Boxcar

    Weathered MDC/Roundhouse PS Texas Mexican Railway Boxcar

    Thus far, I believe this is my best project. I have not sold this one, nor do I plan to.
  12. Grizzly Northern Passenger Train "The Cub"

    Grizzly Northern Passenger Train "The Cub"

    Grizzly Northern 5712 2-10-0 Decapod heads "The Cub"
