Hi, I am new to the forums so I hope I am doing this correctly. I came across a bunch of original plans / drawings for the engines and tenders Pacific Fast Mail had built and imported years ago. They are on plastic sheets, like they were used on the old overhead projectors. I found these at the...
Months ago my mom bought herself an N gauge Bachman diesel-led train set to add to our house of train living.
I would set it up then take it down time to time, and some of the train track got funky and the loco it came with became a little less reliable.
Once I saw this steam locomotive New...
I recently built my own work cradle for upgrading, repairing, and weathering locomotives and rolling stock. I made a video about how I built it. I hope you find it helpful.
This goes along with the thread started by Railrunner. I am learning that having your layout in the basement does lead to alot of track cleaning. So be it.... I am still having fun no matter what I am doing on the layout. Along with cleaning the track, I place a rag on a section of track with...
I am currently making a clock that is tied to a Z scale railroad.
I hope my explanation is clear:
I will be using a Raspberry Pi to run the railroad once per hour on the hour.
Normally, the schematic for running a motor (and that is essentially what I will be doing by supplying power to the...