
  1. J

    Layout Design Help!?!

    Hey everyone, I'm new here and coming back to the hobby. I am working on a layout idea for a 10x10 area in the basement, HO scale. . No clearance issues (doors, etc.). Below is my first preliminary sketch, it still needs some tweaking and adjusting. The aisles are 2' and the depth of each...
  2. Collector Canine

    Can anyone identify this?

    Hello! I joined the forum today specifically to ask this question. Does anybody know what company made this track I have here? I found this today while digging around in some of my childhood toys and it triggered very vague and foggy memories of a tiny train set I had completely forgotten I had...
  3. T

    Help with Lionel Lionmaster Big Boy

    I have owned the older Lionmaster TMCC Big Boy model for a few years and have had problems operating it in conventional control with the Lionel C-80 transformer. At low speeds the model becomes erratic. It jerks forward, stops, and then repeats like this until about 50% power is applied. Then it...
  4. S L

    Difficulty with Atlas Turnouts That Will Power on, but Fail to Actually Switch (They Used to Work!)

    Very new to the MRRF, very new to forums in general, etc; so apologies in advance. Anyways, the issue I am having is quite infuriating, but I am not engineer for anything so I have to ask for help, and hope that you guys might have some ideas. Here is the issue: The setup shown in the pic...
