Scratch built D&RGW cattle car in HO scale, authentic type door hangers and a safety rod and chain at the bottom of the door plus a working inspection door that slides on the end.
Full under body details and the Trussrods are actually carried through each end sill and break rigging...
The narrow gauge log car with it's link and pin couplers sat for the longest time on an out of the way siding down the line and the boys figured it was just too interesting to just let it lay there so they hauled it back. The ramshackled flat is evidently privately owned as it hasn't seen much...
the effects were realised with acrylic paintings and the technique of dry brush / los efectos fueron realizados con pinturas acrilicas y con la tecnica de pincel seco
the effects were realised with acrylic paintings and the technique of dry brush / los efectos fueron realizados con pinturas acrilicas y con la tecnica de pincel seco
the effects were realised with acrylic paintings and the technique of dry brush / los efectos fueron realizados con pinturas acrilicas y con la tecnica de pincel seco
the effects were realised with acrylic paintings and the technique of dry brush / los efectos fueron realizados con pinturas acrilicas y con la tecnica de pincel seco