
  1. designfenix

    N Scale Building 'The Bridgeport'

    Hi everyone, I have been 3D Modelling and printing buildings since 2022. This exclusive design is historically accurate and based on drawings from the 'Scientific American Magazine - 1891'. The model comes in four pieces, the 1st floor, 2nd floor, Roof and Pillars. The model also comes with...
  2. GuilfordRailman

    Question Regarding Applying Decals onto Structures

    I’m looking to apply some Gold Medal Model’s decals to the store fronts of some of my structures. I’d like to apply them directly to the clear window panes that came with the structures. The package recommends using Solvaset decal setting solution to adhere them tightly. Will this solution work...
  3. M

    Returning, trying again with scale model buildings

    My name's Matthew. Originally from TX, moved to PA a couple years back. Always loved miniatures and found them somehow fascinating. I may have posted here years ago focusing on a site called It was - at the time - tied to Shapeways and attempted 3d printing products, but...
  4. Town of Pumpkin

    Town of Pumpkin

    Pumpkin, on the Pumpkin, Breeze & Roaring Fork. Buildings are hand painted.
  5. Guilfordguy

    Unique, kitbashed, scratchbuilt or just plain cool buildings you have seen or have!!!

    Share pictures or talk about unique, kitbashed, scratchbuilt or just super awesome or cool buildings you have seen or have on your layout or someone else's layout. Here's one of a burnt down garage. (R. Nixon Used Cars Sign was on there when I bought it, thought id keep it, No political opinion:D)
  6. L

    Where to shop?

    Hi All I'm new to railroading just bought some track and a locomotive today. I do have some idea of what I'd like to build tho, that being an old west mining town, with perhaps a mine and terrain. I've been googling and not seeing much thats old west style in N scale though, are there...
  7. scratch built buildings

    scratch built buildings

    some of my latest scratch built buildings
  8. Progress on my 4x8

    Progress on my 4x8

    I put in a boarding house/cafe and moved my MOW shed to a new spot.
  9. Progress on my 4x8

    Progress on my 4x8

    I put in a boarding house/cafe and moved my MOW shed to a new spot.
  10. Progress on my 4x8

    Progress on my 4x8

    I put in a boarding house/cafe and moved my MOW shed to a new spot.
  11. Some new built DPMs

    Some new built DPMs

    And they are still playing.
