PRR entering the Sandplant at Mapleton, Pa.

PRR entering the Sandplant at Mapleton, Pa.

A new PRR switcher drops off an empty covered hopper for a load of pure white sand. Allot of the sand produced here went to be used in glass and telescope lenses including the Hubble Telescope.
Very nice shot. I'm not yet into weathering, but this shot is interesting. The covered hopper looks good but that 'new' switcher kinda does me in. The lesson for me is don't weather anything until I can weather them all.
Thanks, I know where your coming from. It was an early pic when we first completed the plant area and the engine was fresh outta the box. The hopper was done with "Bar Mills" weathering kit. (my first attempt) based on what I learned on here. It's not finished yet either. Trucks need done, a little rust yet, some airbrushing and maybe some sand left over on the top would complete it more. The engine???? Let me get braver yet..LOL
Actually the "new" diesel switcher doesn't bother me as everything has to be new sometime. What stands out to me though is the 1920's steel tired farm tractor at work in a modern sand plant. Other than that, very nice scene!
Wow you guys are tuff!! LOL..Ok here's the update. Actually the layout is done in the 50's era. I took the shot months ago after we completed the sand details. I basically was picking things out of the supply box to set up the photo (a tractor from a farm which I know allot of locals were allowed to scoop sand that leaked out of the hoppers for personal use) it's not a completed scene, just a shot I grabbed from my photos for the contest. But I appreciate all the comments! Thanks!
just keep giving me my fix and i'll be back every week like the obedient junkie I am.


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