Running Bear's November 2022 Coffee Shop

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Ended the day by grilling burgers from some "grass-fed organic ground beef" that my wife bought at some store in Dallas Saturday while she was there. Well, aren't most cows fed grass (hay) for most of their lives? It did taste a bit different though, than beef that goes through the feedlot process.

My understanding is that most commercial beef cows are fed corn to fatten them up (at least at the end) and that imparts a different taste to range grass fed cows meat. I know the "grass fed" butter we buy is much better tasting and the "grass fed" beef I've had is a bit different in taste.
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In the Catholic Church as in many other Christian religions, today is All Saints Day. That means that tomorrow is Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) for all of the Mexican people here in Texas. More on that tomorrow.

Which for the rest of the Catholic and perhaps mainstream (non Eastern rite) Christian church, "All Souls Day". (I've been researching it a bit due to some comments on a Yiddish FB group I was invited to -- not being Jewish but interested in all forms of the German language, a good Jewish friend of mine invited me)
Willie: Used AVG at home for years as well. I was getting tired of the annual reloading, especially with the kids computers. It is good software and I do recommend it if you're not into trusting Microsoft's products. A lot less crap that McAfee or Symantec try to pass off as usable.

Jaz: Love pumpkin along with most squash. Where the problem lays is with the cinnamon, allspice ginger, nutmeg and clove flavors mixed into all kinds of concoctions ranging from drinks and other foods. It's a really big thing here in the States in the fall and winter months. Although a real pumpkin donut with the spices are usually ok.
Day of the Dead? Sounds more like another Zombie movie.

Which for the rest of the Catholic and perhaps mainstream (non Eastern rite) Christian church, "All Souls Day"
You are correct Chad. That is where the Mexicans get their version that translates to Day of the Dead. They have a long-standing tradition of having a party on their ancestors' graves on Dia De Los Muertos. I was amazed the first time that I saw it happening back in the 70's. The families come out to the local cemeteries and set up tables full of food and drink, generally it's on the graves of grandparents, and they have a festive party to celebrate the departed persons life. There is usually at least one person with a skull mask on and they also have small makeshift altars decorated with flowers. As Texas's Hispanic population grew in the last half century, the affairs grew exponentially larger and they now tend to overlap one another in some cemeteries. They are now also more rowdy than years ago, especially when a lot of young men attend. Traditionally only the older generations celebrated, but now it is common for a free for all in some families. For some it is just another excuse to get drunk someplace other than home.
James In case you missed this yesterday. Two train shows coming up in your area.

Great Train Extravaganza Returning to Albany, NY December 4th, 2022​


I find it somewhat ironic that All Saints Day comes the day after the Protestants Reformation Day, the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of a (Catholic) Church.

While our family worships in the protestant manner, we have a statue of St. Francis in our garden, in honor of my Grandmother who was a staunch Catholic. I just found out that the Catholic Church also recognizes Reformation day.

Interesting side note on St. Francis, there is an *Excellent* old movie of the life of St. Francis, acted by actual Monks of his Order. We checked it out from our local library.

Proof that we can (mostly) get along!

This is meant to be a history refresher, rather than a religious post.
Good morning!
Been a few days that I've come in for a coffee. I've been very busy helping move my son's family into the new/old house across the street.
It's all done as of yesterday.
Not a moment too soon, either, as the snow came over night:

This snow is a keeper, as it's not going to warm up enough to melt until next spring. I expect it will be turning to slush 5 months from now.

During the move, I only took two photos. Both through the truck window when I was stopped at a rail crossing:
CN WtCrt_10-31-2022 (1).JPG

CN WtCrt_10-31-2022 (2).JPG

The bright spot is, it's modelling season. I'm hoping to get some structures built this year, as well as get my track work completed. That means building a truss bridge, a tunnel, and committing to some gorge, creek, and mountain scenery.

All in all, I'm a happy man at this time.
Have a great day!
I find it somewhat ironic that All Saints Day comes the day after the Protestants Reformation Day, the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of a (Catholic) Church.

While our family worships in the protestant manner, we have a statue of St. Francis in our garden, in honor of my Grandmother who was a staunch Catholic. I just found out that the Catholic Church also recognizes Reformation day.

Interesting side note on St. Francis, there is an *Excellent* old movie of the life of St. Francis, acted by actual Monks of his Order. We checked it out from our local library.

Proof that we can (mostly) get along!

This is meant to be a history refresher, rather than a religious post.
My family Protestant ie Church of England, not very good at attending, other half’s family Catholic and the older generation very devout 3 or 4 days a week devout,

I avoid religious discussions at all costs,but love hearing about other religions in general Rastafarian Asian offerings all garner interest. I do have to be careful of Sikh Hindu and Muslim offerings,although the turban is a give away, as is the hijab. But school friends were Hindu and their mum used to be quite keen to tell me about the Gods she followed, the Elephant Gods being her favourite, I never see it and not think of that delightful woman. there are several religions I would like to believe in as I think they would give some one a sense of peace. I find few cons for either of the main Christian religions.

edit= only ever done one mid night mass and admit I was a long way from sober, but I sat listened and sang off key without making too much of a fool of myself.
I find it somewhat ironic that All Saints Day comes the day after the Protestants Reformation Day, the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of a (Catholic) Church.

Supposedly that was on purpose, or so claims a staunch protestant theologian who wrote about it and someone posted his words on FB and I read them. One of the points Luther was making is that you can't "buy" your way into heaven ("indulgences" of the time) and so chose his day to post very carefully. So claims this person.

On an unrelated note, in HS, I got paid to play trumpet at a "Reformation Day" service with a few friends from HS, all brass players.
My family Protestant ie Church of England, not very good at attending, other half’s family Catholic and the older generation very devout 3 or 4 days a week devout,

The word "Protestant" in England is a little different than in the rest of the (Christian) world.

The Church of England (Anglicans in the US) came about as a split off from the Catholic Church due to Henry VIII divorce desires, and follows a middle road between traditional Protestantism (Luther inspired or based or similar) and Catholicism. Many of the practices and tenets are more closely related to the Catholic rites though there are also strong nods to the Luther based ideas in some areas of doctrine. Not trying to say it isn't a "Protestant" church -- just providing some historical info and how it is different than what many consider "Protestant"

In the rest of the world, Protestant usually means a church that follows more along the lines of the Luther tenets and can be traced back to Luther (or Calvin or other same time period theologians who broke with the Catholic church over doctrine). Many different forms exist and many of these broke off due to other differences from each other, but they usually trace back to Luther tenets or from one of the other same-era protestants.
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Be sure to ask about Mel's Pumpkin Spice Surprise.
No thank you. I'll stick with Tim's

Good morning. It's foggy and 52.
That's better than hawking Mel's latest creation...

Are you building the famous Running Bear Coffee Shop ?
Looks pretty good there...actually, the coffee shop forum is named for the late Jeffrey Wimberly, aka Running Bear. a long time member, and prolific poster.
I always heard bad things about the VA health care. But it seems to have mostly turned around in the last 25 years according to the veterans that I know around here.
I hear two versions of the VA hospital. One friend says he would only use them for annual physicals but goes to a civilian provider for anything more serious. He reflects on several of his Vietnam era friends who have died after going to the VA for help. My other friend who is paralyzed from a parachuting accident almost two years ago says the VA spinal cord Einjury department is top notch.
I had a bad experience with the VA back in the 1970s, and would never consider using them. It wasn't a care issue, but an arrogant GSer who recited regulations verbatim from memory, but could care less about the Veteran and his need for care. My son, decided to switch his primary care to the VA, after being frustrated over dealing with a service related skin condition from his many deployments. Apparently, the standard GS medical plan he had doesn't cover the med necessary to treat the condition. He and his buddy, another Marine Veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, are very happy with the medical care received through the VA.

All Saints Day Is observed by the Lutheran, Anglican Communions and Methodists. Tomorrow, is All Souls Day in the Roman Communion. Based on remembering and praying for the "Souls" in "Purgatory". Dia de Los Muertos, is the Mexican interpetation of All Souls Day.

Yesterday, October 31, was also Reformation Day. A day of celebration in the Protestant Communion.

Hatred of the Eagles, and Philly Fans? o_O Well, the fans are something else...there used to be holding cells and a magistrates court in the Vet. Buddy (and Rex) Ryan were popular with Eagles and Jets fans, but not Redskin and Cowboy fans.
I avoid religious discussions at all costs
Just from the comments about Dia de Los muertos, in the forum, I am beginning to wonder if that is such a prudent idea. I don't endorse pointless arguments about doctrine, or whether or not God exists, as those discussions do not change beliefs or positions. However, we live in a diverse world, and need to get along. Understanding other people is essential in this goal. It's not proselytizing to understand for instance why Catholics celebrate All Souls day, when other Christians do not. Just a thought.

For your viewing pleasure:

PC 4917 departing DC with # 152 on 04-02-1969 Marty Bernard photo.jpg
Oh I know I will get ribbed for this….what the heck is a scratch and sniff…

okay I looked it up….weird…why not sniff a real apple a real whatever.
Kinda out there .... the 1st scratch & sniff I witnessed came from a Hustler magazine a friend had in 1977. That being said, wasn't as bad as it sounds as the aroma was her perfume; don't let your mind wander! Wikipedia credits the first commercial one to a children's book in 1971.
I believe Earth is a place where souls go to have a "human" experience. I also believe that our lives here are a test. Pass, and proceed to another realm/dimension/enlightenment/whatever you want to call it. Fail, and you start over for another try as your soul enters another body at conception.

God gave us free will. What we do with it defines how spiritually fit we are.
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