Running Bear’s July 2021 Coffee Shop

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Afternoon again. Well I slipped into the train room for a little bit. Started setting the Majestic Hardware building and Walther's Water Street buildings.
Still some voids to fill in but you can get the gist of what it looks like.
Majestic 8.jpg

Majestic 9.jpg
Good Afternoon All. Partly cloudy and 79°, which is a warm as it looks like it's going to get today. The BIG thunderstorm cell that was in West Texas headed this way, took a southeastward turn between Abilene and Ft Worth and is now headed straight to Hughie's place. It's pretty much moved 400 miles in 9 hours, unusually rapid movement.
I'm taking a break between yard work and the daily trip to the train shed, to change the battery in one of my hearing aids. I can't really mow yet, but I did a whole lot of weed-eating. I'll hit the pool about 5:30 with a cold brew.
Really slow here in the Coffee Shop today, and the forum in general. Typical for a holiday weekend...I hope Mel gives Flo and Francine a holiday bonus.
Have a great rest of the day.
Got done at called on the way home "can we borrow the truck to haul branches to the limb yard?", and "oh yeah, we bent the lawnmower blade, can you fix it?". Hauled the limbs for them as I was just a couple of blocks away when they called. I still need to get the bent blade off, but they need a new blade before I get the old one off. I need my socket wrench over there to get it off. Little stuff they still need dad for...
I wanted to reply with the "ha ha" smiley but didn't want to offend :) (I like to poke the over sensitive Canadians I always run in to :) )

is this the day we sing "Oh Canada" while wearing our touques and (for those who drink), imbibing a can of Molson, eh? Maybe eating pancakes and maple syrup?
It is a sad fact of life we can no longer poke fun at each other, as a Brit on a mostly US site I should have arrows all over my back…historically we could take the proverbial with tongue in cheek,give it, expect to take it back, and regular have a bit of fun at each other’s expense with little or no hard feelings,me I was a terrible tease as is my other half,this politically correct movement blows my mind,I may follow one religious course or political course but accept others choose other options,I may have a bun fight for fun but with no real intent to hurt,and by lowering us to the lowest common denominator belittles us and our intelligence, he’ll I even enjoyed a good punch up with someone I actually disagreed with,nowadays if you do that you are shot down in flames ostracised and often figuratively buried, when did we get so thin skinned, I personally always thought the circles on the old British spitfire was here’s the target take your best shot just expect us to fire back…
and whilst on the subject I am sick and tired of people trying to make me apologise for things we did in the past and I mean the ancient past before we even were born,and I would also raise the the slavery issue, the UK we’re the first to stop it, the Americans are defiled but they actually also publically stood up and were counted and stopped it, and today now right now there are literally millions of slaves in this world and we are too politically correct to stop it…go figure…..
how many people eat imported prawns, well the scandal over prawns and slavery is subject our media ought to start dealing with, forced prostition child prostitution, oh and female mutilation, disfiguring your woman so she can’t enjoy sex so she won’t cheat on you….yes I guess this will be expunged, but hey if anyone feels like having a bun fight with me playful I am happy to go find some stale rock buns lol.
as for the me Brit you spams (i love spam fritters btw) I have Irish roots,my husband is half European. My grandkids are 3/4 european, and I do not have any issues although I want to be a free Brit not an EU construct, and yes I like my European holidays…to visit, a d did indeed consider living there but voted out all the same,why oh why can’t we just live in peace,accept our differences, and be allowed our own cultural identities,and as long as people do not hurt or impinge on others live side by side…that said break the law….throw the goddam book at them, and if not from the country they break the rules in be allowed to kick em out of the country and if their own countries won’t have em back, throw them past the 12 miles into the sea…..lawful….law abiding…..and happy to cope with sarcasm and an argument on feelings sticks and stone May break my bones but come on freedom of speech lose that and we are in serious trouble, and last one if every legal person had a gun then there would be fewer illegal gun. Arriers getting away with rape,murder theft, and every time I see a law abiding gun toting person stand up and defend the many I shout YAY, cause you think criminals will stop carrying them? would a rapist take on a women if they thought they could defend them selves….most gun crime is where there is most gun restrictions go figure.
My policy is two healthy Doberman’s who love me, and the geese….surprising nasty if annoyed, by law if you break into where the dogs are or if I have them on a lead and do not turn them on you so you come at me they and I are legally ‘safe’ set your dog on someone left them off the lead rather than the dog pull away from you well then you break the law.
ok I’m going……fresh strawberries are screaming my name, home grown organic, no sugar no cream no honey just pick it and eat it, preferably on a warm summmer sun shinning day for maximum sweetness.
Greetings all, and Happy Independence Day! Condolences, Jaz!

Perhaps we must change our revolutionary heritage from "Don't Tread on Me" to "Don't offend on Me." And in yet another nod to the no-offense-ism, I haven't seen that lovely bit that usually goes round this time of year, presumably from Regina Elizabeth, stating something or other to the effect of: "Okay, you've had your fun, time to come home and be civilized." ALways got a nice chuckle from that!

Willie: High of 79 on July 03 in TEXAS!!!!! Bloody Hell, Minnesota hit 79 before 10am yesterday!

And this former Texas boy no longer does well in the heat. Went kayaking on a local lake with youngest daughter yesterday. It was fun, but warm. Then went to dinner with she and oldest daughter on an outside patio. Was feeling a severe headache coming on, so made our excuses at 8:30 and went home to four big glasses of ice water. But did sleep well. Today, outdoor worship service. We put the peeps in the shade so yours truly stands and looks into the sun. ALready 78 outside . . . . . . . . . . . <sigh> . . . . . . . . <BIG SIGH>

But today, inside day and train work!!!!!! At least the basement where the train is still is cool at about 68F . . . . . ahhhhhhhhhh.

Opinions, please, on these bumpers:


Today, finish the wiring for the RH service tracks and use the TT and DCC to run locos in and out of the RH. Like I said the other day, "One small step for a man ..." Then will shim up the TT so I can use foam roadbed for the approach tracks.

Frustrating: Ordered terminal strips from Amazon (yeah, I know, but they make it easy with free fast shipping). They don't accept standard 1/4" fork connectors!!! ARGH. So ordered new connectors - wrong bloody size. Think I am switching to Digikey.

Maybe we'll tip the hat towards 4th of July with some grilled burgers this evening. So far, the greyhound has been okay with the fireworks going off around us. Still thinking about spending the evening downstairs with a movie to help keep him calm.

Cheers all ------SteveJ
Happy Independence Day, Shop Dwellers! It's 67*F and sunny with a slight 4mph WNW breeze where I'm at.

Thanks for all the likes and comments on my Friday post: SteveJ, Joe, Patrick, Willie, Tom-C, TomO, Raboliot, Guy, Karl, Hughie

Not much activity in here today, which I guess is to be expected on a holiday weekend during summertime...

. . .
keN, that’s lots of work but if you are satisfied that’s great. Train time should be interesting. Is the skirting finished?
. . .
Yes Tom it is, I think I posted a few photos a while back...[?]

. . .
Ken - Congratulations on reaching the milestone of train running again. That's about the same amount of time that I was down when I built the new train shed. Between dismantling the old layout and finally getting in the first 24' of track built in the new shed..
. . .
Thanks Willie! At least you had a valid excuse for not running trains [no layout]; in my case, it was mostly just diversions into these kitbashing, scenery, and other rabbit holes - and being too disorganized to clean up enough after each scenery session to at least be able to run the trains and keep the track clean like many of our fellow hobbyists do.

* * *
I think I can consider yesterday's track cleaning operations successful: I managed to push the CMX car [followed by 2 Centerline cars] over all of my main line tracks, the engine terminal, and the main yard - without encountering any dead spots [hurray!]. Today, after morning Mass, I'll continue with the steel mill tracks and industrial spurs. Then on to the next phase: Running actual trains to test for derailments (i.e., kinked or wavy track from humidity fluctuations).

Everyone enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!
Good Morning!

An Independence Day blessing to all my American friends. Have a great one!

It's a very comfortable 56F this morning, so I believe I will take an extended walk with 'Sky' in the forest. Perhaps we'll troop down to Beaver Creek to see if there's any water left flowing. The recent heatwave pretty well dried up everything else around here.
'Sky' is fitting right into the family. She's learning how we want to live very quickly, and I believe she is going to be a fine, loyal dog.

As always, thank you for the likes and comments on my past posts.

Not going to stay in the shop for long; just long enough to have a coffee and set a string of photos on the table.
This is just mish-mash collection of center-beam flat photos that I take as I'm walking along. To me, everything is usually worth making a photo of:
CntrBmFlt_06-23-2021 (1).jpg

CntrBmFlt_06-23-2021 (2).jpg

CntrBmFlt_06-23-2021 (3).jpg

CntrBmFlt_06-23-2021 (4).jpg

CntrBmFlt_06-23-2021 (5).jpg

CntrBmFlt_06-23-2021 (6).jpg

As a parting note, I just want to mention something.
At midnight last night, I lay down with the window wide open. As I lay there, I could hear the train whistles sounding down in the valley. What a comforting sound I found that to be; better than counting sheep, by far.
I've lived in this home for the last 30 years, and until I was nipped by the train bug fairly recently, I never even paid attention to that train whistle.

Have a wonderful day!
Good morning from my little portion of Wisconsin. 76f degrees now heading into the 90’s. Not sure what today will bring other then some fireworks tonight. We had a few last night but it was strangely quiet for a Fourth weekend.

Steaks on the grill yesterday which is unusual as Terry generally does not eat beef. I see hamburgers and Italian sausages out for grilling. 12 hamburgers and 24 sausages meaning after we eat they will be frozen for future eating.

Have a safe day and remember freedom is not a given
Good Morning All. Happy Independence Day, or Fourth of July; whichever terminology that you prefer. Cloudy and 73°, might get up to 88° later. Anticipating clear, dry days until possible rain on Wednesday.
Fireworks started here last night. It's a precursor to tonight. One neighbor always goes way overboard, spending $2500 or more on his offering. Several of his relatives from cities, and friends also come by for the festivities up there and bring a bunch as well. This morning there are two RV's and two unfamiliar vehicles parked in the yard. Bubba (yes that's his name) himself was already up and preparing the smoker for two briskets. Last night wasn't too bad noisewise, I played music so the dogs didn't get spoofed and they'll be gone tonight. Another neighbor also spends $$$ but he didn't start early.
Today's the day. Time to pack up the granddogs and head for Dallas to trade them for my wife. Other than running the vacuum again, the house looks OK. No sense running the vacuum until they're gone anyway. Chores this morning include emptying the dishwasher and putting up the laundry that I washed and folded yesterday. I'm not leaving until after 2:00, so I may even return to the fun task of mowing before I eat lunch and nap.

Thanks for the likes and comments yesterday; Patrick, Guy, Garry, Christian, Ken, Karl, Tom O, Hughie, Rick.

Give me the All American Special that you have on the menu board this morning, Flo. What's that include? Bacon, eggs, toast and a slice of apple pie! Double my bacon and apple pie and add a glass of Florida OJ please.

Speaking of All American Specials, supper last night was an All American one for me. I grilled a rib steak, had some sauteed mushrooms (the Steal & Ale recipe with onion from the garden), green beans from the garden, and Caprese Salad, also made with homegrown tomato and basil.

That tomato variety is a Black Krill. Quite tasty.



Steak cooked perfectly medium rare.

And of course to wash it down:

Progress continues slowly in the train shed. I am continuing to work on the ground cover in places while detailing the Cape Cod house. I have painted the back porch including the flagstone surface and planted it in its place.


I can now finish the ground cover in the yard.
Meanwhile over on the workbench, I painted mailboxes for this house and the "In-laws" house but haven't installed them yet. Not much time for anything else since I already had a busy day. No time today as I will be retrieving my wife.

Tom - I have extra rooms down here in Texas if you need to get away from the reception! LOL
Guy - Great story regarding your new doggie.

Does everyone here else enjoy the close up pictures that Guy posts, as much as I do?

Everybody have a great Sunday and a great Independence Day. Watch those grills and smokers, be safe.
No problem at all. I'll survive ! :)
Have a nice day guys and more important: stay safe !
I put likes etc as I caught up, but considering the French English history I want to agree all welcome, hell they put up with me :D Plus we can see some of the excellent French cuisine for breakfast ideas. Although I will not be eating snails, and not any time soon just never LOL. French pastries though as some of the best in the world, and I think the odd photograph of the railways and breakfasts will be appreciated and indeed envied :)
Good Morning y'all. Happy Independence Day! Nothing special planned. Last night the celebrants made the neighborhood sound and feel like a major fire fight. Some of the fireworks shook the house and ground...Scared the kitty. Oh well, one just wonders how many celebrants actually know why they are celebrating?
Opinions, please, on these bumpers:
They look good...
Sun's shining and we are expecting fair skies and 80° temperatures. Have a great day.
Greetings all, and Happy Independence Day! Condolences, Jaz!

Perhaps we must change our revolutionary heritage from "Don't Tread on Me" to "Don't offend on Me." And in yet another nod to the no-offense-ism, I haven't seen that lovely bit that usually goes round this time of year, presumably from Regina Elizabeth, stating something or other to the effect of: "Okay, you've had your fun, time to come home and be civilized." ALways got a nice chuckle from that!

Willie: High of 79 on July 03 in TEXAS!!!!! Bloody Hell, Minnesota hit 79 before 10am yesterday!

And this former Texas boy no longer does well in the heat. Went kayaking on a local lake with youngest daughter yesterday. It was fun, but warm. Then went to dinner with she and oldest daughter on an outside patio. Was feeling a severe headache coming on, so made our excuses at 8:30 and went home to four big glasses of ice water. But did sleep well. Today, outdoor worship service. We put the peeps in the shade so yours truly stands and looks into the sun. ALready 78 outside . . . . . . . . . . . <sigh> . . . . . . . . <BIG SIGH>

But today, inside day and train work!!!!!! At least the basement where the train is still is cool at about 68F . . . . . ahhhhhhhhhh.

Opinions, please, on these bumpers:
View attachment 129644

View attachment 129645

Today, finish the wiring for the RH service tracks and use the TT and DCC to run locos in and out of the RH. Like I said the other day, "One small step for a man ..." Then will shim up the TT so I can use foam roadbed for the approach tracks.

Frustrating: Ordered terminal strips from Amazon (yeah, I know, but they make it easy with free fast shipping). They don't accept standard 1/4" fork connectors!!! ARGH. So ordered new connectors - wrong bloody size. Think I am switching to Digikey.

Maybe we'll tip the hat towards 4th of July with some grilled burgers this evening. So far, the greyhound has been okay with the fireworks going off around us. Still thinking about spending the evening downstairs with a movie to help keep him calm.

Cheers all ------SteveJ
Good rusting colours - as you lay the paint down you may consider looking ag adding a very fine granular substance to infer the rust as rust usually gives texture, although at our gauges it is fair to say modelling said fine texture is nigh on impossible that said I have played with this

I also add white to the nearby paint to add a faded look

this is layered paint
1. The base colour
2. The base colour plus white to fade
3 the brown
4 the orange brown
5 using small brushed usually warns out ones especially with just. Few bristled left I dot and dab, thin black is good for oil and powdered black good for smoke if running wood burners,
but I would say yours are well thought out and much improved over the basic model, I certainly would use them on my own layout without hesitation.
Deluxe Rust an American product….booo hisss….lol… one of my favourite modelling products, and the stuff goes a long way, just make sure you seal the clips so no evaporation.

you can easily argue that the rust is oversize but you cannot knock the impact, a somewhat over done VW Beetle.
Hope you all have a great day, for me Independance day makes me think of the film lol, but it as I said earlier occurred in the far distance time before us our dads grand pas and beyond, as for the Boston Tea party I can’t stand Indian tea I drink the Chinese green stuff only when eating the food. The then British King did not look after you just saw you as a cash cow, got what he deserved. Americans are Americans although many honour their ancestral roots and why not, much to be proud of.

Tongue in cheek, a laugh for my cousin her dad was a US GI over here in WW2. She holds dual nationality and loves her Italian / US ancestry.
Good Morning All. Happy Independence Day, or Fourth of July; whichever terminology that you prefer. Cloudy and 73°, might get up to 88° later. Anticipating clear, dry days until possible rain on Wednesday.
Fireworks started here last night. It's a precursor to tonight. One neighbor always goes way overboard, spending $2500 or more on his offering. Several of his relatives from cities, and friends also come by for the festivities up there and bring a bunch as well. This morning there are two RV's and two unfamiliar vehicles parked in the yard. Bubba (yes that's his name) himself was already up and preparing the smoker for two briskets. Last night wasn't too bad noisewise, I played music so the dogs didn't get spoofed and they'll be gone tonight. Another neighbor also spends $$$ but he didn't start early.
Today's the day. Time to pack up the granddogs and head for Dallas to trade them for my wife. Other than running the vacuum again, the house looks OK. No sense running the vacuum until they're gone anyway. Chores this morning include emptying the dishwasher and putting up the laundry that I washed and folded yesterday. I'm not leaving until after 2:00, so I may even return to the fun task of mowing before I eat lunch and nap.

Thanks for the likes and comments yesterday; Patrick, Guy, Garry, Christian, Ken, Karl, Tom O, Hughie, Rick.

Give me the All American Special that you have on the menu board this morning, Flo. What's that include? Bacon, eggs, toast and a slice of apple pie! Double my bacon and apple pie and add a glass of Florida OJ please.

Speaking of All American Specials, supper last night was an All American one for me. I grilled a rib steak, had some sauteed mushrooms (the Steal & Ale recipe with onion from the garden), green beans from the garden, and Caprese Salad, also made with homegrown tomato and basil.
View attachment 129657
That tomato variety is a Black Krill. Quite tasty.
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View attachment 129653
View attachment 129654
Steak cooked perfectly medium rare.
View attachment 129655
And of course to wash it down:
View attachment 129656

Progress continues slowly in the train shed. I am continuing to work on the ground cover in places while detailing the Cape Cod house. I have painted the back porch including the flagstone surface and planted it in its place.
View attachment 129658
View attachment 129659View attachment 129660
I can now finish the ground cover in the yard.
Meanwhile over on the workbench, I painted mailboxes for this house and the "In-laws" house but haven't installed them yet. Not much time for anything else since I already had a busy day. No time today as I will be retrieving my wife.

Tom - I have extra rooms down here in Texas if you need to get away from the reception! LOL
Guy - Great story regarding your new doggie.

Does everyone here else enjoy the close up pictures that Guy posts, as much as I do?

Everybody have a great Sunday and a great Independence Day. Watch those grills and smokers, be safe.

Willie, a great looking meal.

As to the pictures guy posts, I know we might be in a tie for likeness. Those pictures are definitely helping with my weathering projects

Happy Independence Day to our US contingent

We've had very little rain and everything is very hot and dry so private fireworks are banned in most areas around here (thank goodness -- no need for a fire burning down the neighborhood). Most people are complying. We were out walking last night and it was relatively quiet, with only a few scattered people firing off stuff, and then the various cities displays professionally done in the valley. Seeing as this is Utah, and the 4th is a Sunday, most of the official displays were last night.

Usually you hear it all night for a few days before and after, but like I said, it was pretty quiet with most people complying with the bans in place due to the extremely dry weather.
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