Running Bear’s June 2021 Coffee Shop

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Good afternoon ....

Thanks, everybody for the "likes" for my photo.

Willie. ...... I like your plumbing supply buildings and the feed store. Plenty of details.

Terry ..... Congratulations on getting the SP SD70M at such a low price. It looks great.

Everybody ..... Have a nice evening......
Well, howdy there internet MRR people.
It's Troy again.

Welp, this was an eventful week.

Wednesday, wife is working away (she works from home) and gets a call from her 80+ mother. "I think I'm having a stroke, but I don't want an ambulance..."

Wife talks with her long enough to figure it's either very early, or a ministroke. Emails the boss about a family medical emergency and runs down 40 min drive to take her mom to the ER. She's doing fine by then, no symptoms.

Several hours later, Docs rule out regular strong, and say it was a mini-stroke. There is a history of stroke on both sides of MIL's family.

MIL is already a "Fagile" diabetic, with a pump. The girls take turns calling her each evening just to make sure her blood sugar hasn't bottomed out. Quite often they have to command her to go get her sugar syrup stuff out of the fridge, or eat some candy, then have her take another reading.

And, we're a one car family - a carry over from living in Los Angeles where we had almost everything within walking/train ride distance. So it was weird knowing I didn't have a vehicle to go run to target or the hardware as needed. Distances are a bit more spread out in the midwest. ;)

As for hobby, I finished up basing my American Civil War 12.5mm figures. Taking a break from them to work on Napoleonics in 28mm for a while.

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Wife and sister are driving off to see SIL's great grandbaby's 1yo Bday party today. They'll be taking their mom along. And I get the car since SIL is driving.

So I've got all day to paint.

And to get a donut.

A donut sounds good. ;)

what diet?
I called my Endocrinologist yesterday and the appointment was made for March of 2022, yes! I called my GP and she will see me next week. The UW facilities are great but give me the Marshfield Clinic system any day. MC was very patient accommodating.

Great pictures and notes from the Crew here today and yesterday after my post.

Enjoy the day
Troy- hope your MIL gets feeling better soon. We’re a “1-car family”, because we’re a 1-driver family. I gave up driving 6 years ago.

TomO- that’s where you & I have a difference of opinion. MCHS completely misdiagnosed my stroke as a “change in mental status”. I’ve had numerous care issues with them. I know many people who swear by them, and I don’t try talking them out of going where they get good care. I’ve had much better & more accurate care with AWH & their affiliated clinics. Enough of a difference to justify the 30-40 minute drive to Wausau or Rapids.
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Good evening. It's turned cloudy and windy, and 86 degrees. Here is what we're looking ahead to:

I got a lot done today move some chickens and mowed the lawn and the barn lot. I try not to stay out in this Humid weather very long now that my lungs are damage from Covid so I got as much done as possible before it really got bad. I’ll leave you with some more pics of the O scale layout. Good night and be safe.
Evening global modelers. In a house less then 2 years old the A/C went out about 3 hours ago. Everything runs except it is not cooling. Shut the damn thing off at the fuse box. Just flipped the fuse box on after 30 minutes and it’s working!

Its 68f degrees in the train room so I really don’t know why Terry was complying about the heat in the house. I need a drink.

Evening global modelers. In a house less then 2 years old the A/C went out about 3 hours ago. Everything runs except it is not cooling. Shut the damn thing off at the fuse box. Just flipped the fuse box on after 30 minutes and it’s working!
There's a contactor on the condenser that goes bad after awhile. I had the same problem. It gets worn from going on and off. It's about a $25 dollar part.
Greetings all!

Spending Father's Day (and weekend) being a Dad and moving/setting up daughter's apartment. Moved all the boxes Friday in the 92F temps; Saturday, watched the "Two Men and a Truck" pros move the furniture (well worth the cost) and then set about improving lights, bath fixtures, etc. Going back over today after church to get the bedroom set and she will stay there tonight. She's been with us the last two. So, being a Dad on FAther's Day, though I have heard whisperings and murmurs of a visit to a Greek Gyro place.

Tomorrow morning, very early, I fly to Boise Idaho and won't be back until Midnight Wednesday. So incommunicado until Thursday.

We've had no rain for almost 4 weeks so this morning it rains. Our 1st outdoor worship scheduled this morning, of course. So I have some figuring out to do. Happy Father's Day to all the pops out there - enjoy the day! -----Steve
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Greetings from the West. We are currently 61 degrees and looking for a 94 high under sunny and breezy skies.
Already have been enjoying the Traeger Grill and wondering what Father's Day will bring?
We will probably spend most of the day with the urchins at the MIL's pool?
Have a good one folks.
Good Morning!
The day starts at 47F with the sun rising into blue sky. First day of summer, and the weather people arn't calling for rain for the next 10 days or so.
Perhaps they are right, but, probably not.

The wife has been collecting flowers-n-plants that are supposed to be Hummingbird attractors. So, yesterday, I spent a couple of hours building her a solar powered hummingbird bath. I need to revisit that today, as the wife is not entirely happy with my design, and has asked for some corrections.
I'll take a photo of it in operation, after the alterations are complete.

Speaking of birds, I caught a photo of 5x baby House Sparrows that were out and about checking the condition of the wonderous world. I observed these young chicks picking off anything they could find to eat, including pieces of the wife's Hosta plants and the unfortunate insects that happened by.

These chicks have learned to sorta fly; they are mostly using the vegetation around the pondless water feature as cover. This is a-bit older photo, but perhaps they have their nest in there somewhere in the background:

As far as rail photos go, here is a final photo of an engine left over from the last day I was down at the tracks. Not a very good photo; I guess I shook the camera.
This is a C44-9W. They seem to be using large locomotives for local switching lately, in place of the SD-40's that were being used.
CN 2604_C44-9W_06-10-2021 (1).jpg

Lee - The reefer is beautiful, and you're layout photos are magnificent. Thanks for posting them.

Terry - Well done on securing the brass engine. About time you had some good fortune.

Willie - Outstanding catepillar photos, although kind of creepy. The insect world is the modern dinosaur world in miniature. It's brutal.

Anyway, I need to get ready for the day. Don't know if some of my adult kids are coming over or not, for fathers day. Doubt it, though. They all have their own lives now.

Have a good one!
Happy Fathers Day

A nice enough morning start to a day around noon that should get stormy and wet with a 94% guess by the weather folks. 64 now 76f degrees for a wet high today.

My adventure with the A/C unit was frustrating. It’s working like nothing happened but I am venturing a guess here, the finance filter was dirty. We have one of those #11 filtering things and I religiously change them every 45 days and I get a reminder from my computer. I pulled it after my drink I needed last night, a very cold sugar free Diet Dr Pepper in a can, and it was full of saw dust. Well guess who has been using a chop saw in the train room. It must have tripper a shutdown on the A/C. I will watch it.

I watched TV sports and it wasn’t hockey yesterday. I watched the US Open for like 4 hours and saw some atrocious golf. I doubt today I will watch. I did watch the hockey game last night and the final minute of the NBA game but that was on my IPadPro.

The daughter and family came in last night from a week in the Clearwater Florida area, they had fun per the pictures being posted all week. They went inncelebration to the end of a Covid school year.

Excellent pictures being posted since yesterday. Have a great day

GUY - Your photos are ALL very interesting - sort of a "world experience" punctuated usually by a gigantic locomotive of sorts! The young sparrows seem to have found a buried RR tie to use as a runway of sorts, and I love the BEAR in the garden - well done! Is that another animal, perhaps a racoon's nose at the top of the waterfall?

YES, LEE, I too love what you have done with the "O" stuff! Guess I am reverting back to my younger days - I don't even notice the third rail - very nice layout. As Garry said - I too like that Mobilegas tanker!
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Good Morning All. Clear and 71°. Happy Father's Day to all fathers out there. For us in the Central Daylight Zone, summer starts tonight at 10:31 pm.
I spent part of the morning yesterday doing laundry and then installing new bushings on the front axles of the tractor. Then I mowed for two 45 minute sessions in an attempt to catch up on the two days that I missed. Part of the area that I mowed hadn't seen the tractor since early May due to the saturated ground. Grass was thick and lush there and it took some effort.
Today I am going to use my new smoker/grill's smoker portion to smoke a pork shoulder for Pulled Pork. I am using peach wood for a sweeter taste than my supply of pecan or oak will offer.
OK, especially for Sherrel who commented about the lack of "creature" photos in my posts this spring. I had a visitor last evening.


Not as good of a picture as Guy's sparrow picture, but in my defense, I had already had a few cold brews when I came upon it.

I'll take Eggs Benedict this Father's Day morning Flo.

Thanks for the likes and comments regarding yesterday's post/photos; Tom, Lee, Karl, Guy, Tom O, Rick, Hughie, Patrick, Justin, Sherrel, Garry, Jaz, Ken.

Out in the train shed yesterday, I did a little work with the dry transfers for the Woody''s Country Mart kit. Still a work in progress so no photos yet.
I don't know what pictures that I might post today, so let's look back at the Atlas Steel Works structure that I did last year.
Overall shot, I need some vehicles for the parking lot.

The crew on a break while the maintenance team repairs a ventilator.

Looks like we're not too tidy out back!

My Dad called those things cutworms. He would wrap each stem with newspaper.
Cutworms are an entirely different pest. They're brown and ugly. They sever the newly planted plants off about an inch above ground. The wrapping of the stem with newspaper does indeed work to prevent damage from them.
Hughie -
I really like the idea of placing structures to the outside of the layout.
I am a big fan of running my trains "through the scenery" instead of all of them being in front of the scenery. I do have scenes done both ways.
Jaz - Thanks for the comment on the Chinese shop.
Steve - Have a safe trip to Boise.
Guy - Great shot of the sparrows this morning.
Tom O - I have comments about a few things that you posted in the last two or three days, but I simply don't have time this morning.

Everybody have an awesome day. I gotta go and start soaking some wood chunks.
Wow, Willie, I cannot believe all the scenes you have on your layout. Love the turtle In the yard.

I am on the front deck waiting for the rain that now is supposed to start at 11am. Oh, I wish I had a job with no circumstances if I got things wrong like weather guessers. I know, it’s a science but not an exact one.

I have been online researching my A/C shutdown issue. I may become dangerous. Terry says myfurnance and A/C expertise is changing the filters and calling the HVAC guys, which I just did. They will be here 7AM tomorrow.

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