Wpf 7-29/8-04


Dr Frankendiesel
Jay, I like your whimsical shot! Jeff, love the steamer...it looks very imposing.

Frank, the diesels look nicely weathered, notably the sooty louvers on the yellow and red one.

I have not been contributing to this thread for a while. Recently I build a diorama that I wanted to use outdoors. I found a spot across the road from a nearby potato farm with the Comox Glacier in the distance. This is my first attempt at super-realism, but not using a programme such as Photo Shop to import details, alter the image, delete or paint over things...what you see here is all real, either model or nature/man-made in 1:1 scale. All I did was to stack four images with different focal depths to ensure the engine wasn't blurred, and I cropped out the border of the image because Combine ZP leave a bunch of weird stuff at the edges of the photos it stacks.

This is what the CMOS chip in my camera recorded when the shutter opened:

Thanks, Crandell, looks like you're the only one that likes my attempt at a humorous photo.
I really like the way you incorporated your new diorama, with a real background, an outstanding bit of magic.
Those are great looking scenes and photos, Frank, well done. DJ.
Jay: I did get a laugh out of your post. I've been busy with other matters of late as my lack of new photos indicates. I;ve been posting old ones I took years ago.

Grampy, I thought your photo was hilarious. Well done. :)

Excellent photos, all. Hopefully, I'll get my act together today, or tomorrow, and post my newest addition to the roster.

Here is a photo of Athrean DDA40X on a test run at a local Cub layout. This is not my photo.. I repeat not my photo!!!!!!!!!!!! Its just here for those who don't be on facebook to see..

athrean DDA40x test by LATXHO, on Flickr
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New addition to the roster

Here's a picture of the most recent additon to the motive power roster of Ghost River Rwy., an Alco Boxcab mounted on a Bachmann DCC 44T frame.


