Maytag "Danged Agitator"
pristine • \PRISS-teen\ • adjective
*1 : belonging to the earliest period or state : original
2 a : not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted (as by civilization) : pure b : fresh and clean as or as if new
Example sentence:
"Our friend. . .had lost a great deal of his pristine timidity, and was now, especially when fortified with liquor, as talkative as might be." (William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair)
Did you know?
When "pristine" was anglicized in the 16th century, people borrowed the meanings of "early" and "original" from the Latin "pristinus" and applied them to what is desirable as well as to what is not. But it has long been a tendency of civilized people to admire a simpler and unsullied past. The supposition is that when things were in their oldest or original state, they were better. Thus, "pristine" was extended to describe the notion of an unspoiled, uncorrupted, or unpolluted state. And what is unspoiled or uncontaminated may connote the freshness and cleanness of something that has just been made, which explains how "pristine" has also come to mean "fresh and clean."
*1 : belonging to the earliest period or state : original
2 a : not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted (as by civilization) : pure b : fresh and clean as or as if new
Example sentence:
"Our friend. . .had lost a great deal of his pristine timidity, and was now, especially when fortified with liquor, as talkative as might be." (William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair)
Did you know?
When "pristine" was anglicized in the 16th century, people borrowed the meanings of "early" and "original" from the Latin "pristinus" and applied them to what is desirable as well as to what is not. But it has long been a tendency of civilized people to admire a simpler and unsullied past. The supposition is that when things were in their oldest or original state, they were better. Thus, "pristine" was extended to describe the notion of an unspoiled, uncorrupted, or unpolluted state. And what is unspoiled or uncontaminated may connote the freshness and cleanness of something that has just been made, which explains how "pristine" has also come to mean "fresh and clean."