Wheel Sizes...


Diesel Detail Freak
Who knows something about wheel sizes? I've followed a general un-know-how, know-how in my brain, but I've come to the realization I know little.

Quoted from Train Orders:
Author: J.Ferris

I believe there are three basic configurations, i.e.:

1) 70 ton trucks w/ 33" wheels
2) 100 ton trucks w/ 33" wheels
3) 100 ton trucks w/36" wheels

I also believe that for the higher capacity well cars you have:

4) 100 ton trucks w/ 38" wheels

the above configurations give you in effect:

1) 140,000 to 150,000 load weight
2) 165,000 to 175,000 load weight
3) 190,000 to 205,000 load weight
4) 220,000 to 230,000 load weight

Corrections welcome.


Anyone know if this is semi-correct? I'm trying to determine what cars need 36", and what need 33". I know tri-level auto racks have 28" as do front runners. Well cars have 33" it seems, and 36" for the middle trucks in multi sets, it seems. Spines, 33", but this is really the extent of my knowledge. I've always assumed 33" for box cars too, but...
I honestly have no idea, but I'm sure there will be exceptions to any generalizations anyway. The new well cars Athearn is releasing in August (Maxi I) have 33" on the ends and 38" in the center units.
Thanks Nate. I just saw that on the TrainOrders thread I copied that from, that a member there seems to think that most intermodal were either 33-36, 33-38, or 36-38. To me, if the intermediate wheels are 38, 36 seems like the right size for ends, but I'm not sure.
Here's what I got from MFCL on Yahoo:

33in up to 77t
36in 78-100t
38in above 100t

So the 125T intermediate trucks on well cars are 38", most of my covered hoppers are 36", and boxcars seem to mostly be 33". That works well enough for me I guess.
