Weakly Foto Phun 2/3 - 2/10


S.L.O.&W. Trainman
What? It's Friday Night guys! Nobody wants to get THEE thread going? Well! I will then....;):D

I have continued to tear out part of the SLOW this week.







Actually more has been done, but I haven't taken a photo of it. Be a couple months before I will back in building mode, as I just got a bunch of items from Fast Track, so I can continue with the hand laying of track in the "Plywood Central" branch.

One of the Western Marylands new Alco S4's is inspected by Frank & Ernest at the car shop, while 2 S2's sit on the next track.
Ray, looking forward to your next project. Great modeling and photos, this week.

Traffic is backed up along Hammer Creek. DJ.

Great pics guys! Ray that raised floor is a great idea, might have to copy that.
I picked up a swing bridge kit at the LHS that was buried on the back shelf, it will be a major focal point on the new layout.
Just one thing... it came in the original shrink wrap but is missing the drive gear and shims! I emailed Walthers and am waiting to hear back from them.
So anyone here have a gear package they aren't using? I've heard of people building this kit as a static display and throwing the moving bits out.:eek:
That's a very nice bridge. That sucks it didn't come with the drive motor. Is it out of production?
Great pics guys! Ray that raised floor is a great idea, might have to copy that.

Hi RICO! LOL, One of the many reasons for rebuilding this area of the layout is to get rid of the raised floor........ The ceiling in the room is 6' 6" floor to ceiling. The raised floor was put in to cover over a drain clean-out that was constantly tripping me. The added floor was about 5" high. A couple fellow model railroaders who visit from time to time are around 6'2" tall..........

In the rebuild, I will be extending the edge of the layout itself to "hide" the clean-out and prevent any falls from it.

In the right place a raised floor might be an excellent solution to some viewing problems. I got the idea from the "Mushroom" bi-level type of construction.

Nice bridge, BTW!
Great pics guys! Ray that raised floor is a great idea, might have to copy that.
I picked up a swing bridge kit at the LHS that was buried on the back shelf, it will be a major focal point on the new layout.
Just one thing... it came in the original shrink wrap but is missing the drive gear and shims! I emailed Walthers and am waiting to hear back from them.
So anyone here have a gear package they aren't using? I've heard of people building this kit as a static display and throwing the moving bits out.:eek:

your welcome :p


Misread your post, thought you were just looking for one, didn't realize your's was missing. either way there's the link if needed.
Nice weathering job on that U-boat Plowguy. Very well done.

I've been laying track in the extension room.

Haha the borg in The Next Generation said that. The ones in Voyager shortened it to "We are the borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." They must have been lazy borg... :)
Thanks for all the compliments on the Uboat.... I have never weathered an engine before, always been a bit timid for fear of ruining a good engine. I happened to have 2 of these so I figured why not.....
