Trains running again!


New N gauge guy
I got all my track tacked back down. Made a few changes.
What do you guys think.


Looks like good progress is being made. You may want to reconsider how your yard is laid out since you're not taking maximum advantage of the space. You can get at least one, maybe two more tracks in there if you run each switch off one ladder. Take a look at the yard diagram from Ken L.'s layout to see what I mean.

I had wanted to do it that way. Theres just not much room lengthwise.
Only the first two or three are long enough to really use.
If I had made my layout a foot longer it would work fine.

His ladder alone is a foot longer than my whole board.
You can extend the inside spur past the three inside sidings, and connect it to the single siding where the Santa Fe diesel is in the upper photo, using a left hand turnout. This will give you a runaround track, as well as more switching options, with very little loss of real estate.
Thats a good idea. It's a pretty tight curve though. The outer curve is 9.75" radius. I will eather extend it or the sideings themselves.
What's that "Modern Engine House" box in the lower right of the before pic?:rolleyes:
Looking good. Nice and clean with a shiny switcher in the after pic.
It's to late to make the table any bigger.
I figure I can cut my teeth on this one and build a bigger layout later.

That's a Model Engineering modern engine house kit.
I plan on making it into a warehouse.
Looks good!...I like Chris's idea also...I see where he's coming from, I only would have added a run-around track to add to some switching operation. Maybe add it by your engine house and a switch to your engine house. Just a thought!
