To those in the car exchange from Jim UP2CSX, by Rex


Jim (UP2CSX) wanted me to pass on that he has some cars that belong to some of you, but he doesn't remember who and has lost the information. Jim was in a terrible car accident last summer that put him in a coma for a month and hospital for two months with a severe head injury and broken bones, and is still trying to recover his memory. He wanted Jerome (?) or whomever is involved to email him a list or info on where these cars go. He apologizes for not getting them back to you, but I'm sure you will now understand.
Thank you.:)
WOW! didn't know that. Would you please pass on our best wishes for him when you next email Jim
Thank you Jerome. I'm sure he will appreciate it.

Willis: I have a little more info posted in the coffee shop.
OMG! Are you serious, holy cow, that is horrible. I was wondering why we didn't see him posting all this time.

It sounds like he is recovering, please send our best wishes to him and his family. We miss Jim, he is a valuable contributor to this forum, and has helped me tremendously with my new layout.
Jim said he has attempted to view the forum and has seen a few posts, but still can't remember how to get around the forum well enough to get on. He also has some trouble with his typing skills and connecting everyone's name with the past. Hopefully, he will see your kind messages and know we are all missing him. I will be in contact again a few days from now and tell him about all the good wishes. :)
Wow, it's really been a rough couple of years!
Best wishes Jim and get well soon!!
Well if there's any issue with shipping costs incurred, he can keep my AER hopper (if he has it) it's not worth any financial strain to return it to me...
Ditto on the best wishes to Jim! I too had been wondering why we never saw him on here anymore. He has been very resourceful and helpful forum member. Please pass along everyone's best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Shucks, I don't look in this thread because the subject didn't seem to apply to me, but on a whim I looked tonight. I am very sorry about Jim and his horrible accident. It must be devastating to find that he can't seem to sort out a lot of his past, especially the most recent memories before the accident.

Jim, I wish you well, and I hope you recover fully.

Over at the Coffee Shop thread. Rex talked to Jim about the accident. He was hit by a drunk driver in a head on collision. The drunk driver did not survive, and was driving a beat up old pickup truck. And Jim was saved by wearing a seatbelt and the airbags... and the big guy above.
Jesus. Thats horrible. I was wondering what happened to him the other day. Prayers and best wishes go out to him and a speedy recovery.
I chimed in at the Coffee Shop, but I'll again add my thoughts and prayers for Jim to get things back together. I noticed he has more posts on this site than anyone else! It's not just the volume but the content of the posts that make us miss him. Take your time Jim, but hurry back!
