Running Bear's May 2024 Coffee Shop

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Morning folks

33F and sleet but that looks to be diminishing. It dumped another 5 inches of wet mush after I plowed the foot of that off yesterday morning. East bound I90 was closed over Bozeman Pass for most of yesterday so my brother and his friend left with the 1939 Oliver Row Crop this morning about 6:30 am.

I need to make the Costco resupply run that I didn't get a chance to do Tuesday and I still have some mush shoveling to do on the apron but a good nap may be in order after that.
Good morning (4:17am here) from the desert. Same morning temperature of 54f degrees as back in Wisconsin but there it is raining and will top out at 58. Here the sunny high will be in the upper 80’s. Sunrise here is at 5:30. Breakfast at 9:30 with a couple old friends of Terry’s and one of my roommates from College. We introduced them back in the 80’s when we first visited out here. They have become good friends to each other since. All though are single by choice or deaths.

Unusual for me I actually slept on the plane and Terry said with no snoring!

Today is a day of relaxing but I’m sure the brother will want to play some golf. We’ll see…

Enjoy your day

You mentioned Golf......I know there is a few others on here that play golf too.

Recently I have been playing a little golf with my girlfriend. (she and I have been dating since July of last year so far so good) So we played on Tuesday evening she had her first legitimate 'birdie' on a par 3, 139 yards back tee. She used a 7 iron and hit on the green 2 foot from the pin! I was so proud of her! She done good! We celebrated her Birdie! Ya, I have been know to play golf when I lived in Florida I played 4 days a week during the week not on weekends. I was in the center location of 24 golf courses that were no more than 10 miles away from me. (Bradenton, Florida) So I played a lot, now I just play when my girlfriend wants to go. I won't go unless she goes. Other than that I have no desire to go unless my buddy from Texas comes to town.

Anyways I wanted to also share that I use this really neat app called Golfshot. (all one word) It is fantastic no need for range finder for yard distance etc. It is free for the basics. You can pay for upgrades but I just use the basics and it uploads any golf course you are on for free. Pretty cool app.

Ya'll have a good day. I plan to go out on my boat for more fishing tomorrow. I did bag a spring gobbler last weekend. I need one more!
Images Automatically Added to the Media Gallery

Since the majority of forum members hang out in this category, I thought I would post this here as well as in the forum announcements.

A new feature has been rolled out that will automatically upload any ATTACHMENTS that you post in a discussion to the photo gallery. It's going to take me some time to get all of the categories on line and make some changes to the gallery, but it should be progressively rolling out in the next few weeks.

What this means is that attachments posted in a discussion will be shown in the appropriate category in the gallery. This topic is a perfect example, there's lots of layout photos posted here that just sort of vanish after a few weeks when the topic is replaced by the next month. I'm hoping this is a way to make them much easier to find.

So, what's an "Attachment"? An attachment is an image that you upload directly to the forum. The easiest way to do that is to simply do a copy and paste into your post. You can also search for images on your computer and upload them.

What isn't an attachment?
Files hosted someplace else. If it's not posted here it won't be copied to the gallery.
Videos - videos posted in the forums will not upload directly to the media gallery. However, we'll also be adding some video feature there in the near future, so stay tuned.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.
Here's a sample and a test of the new auto-add to gallery image feature.

If things work the way they're supposed to, this image will also show up in the media gallery.
Afternoon All,

Started out the day with a walk at 77F and humid. Supposed to get to 98F today. Currently 93F. After breakfast I did a couple of chores then headed to the train room where I painted the exterior brick walls, glued the doors and windows onto the walls and glued weathered tin panels onto the two-section roof. Tomorrow I should finish up.

Troy- The pizza looks yummy. Hope the back is better and best wishes for Mom.

Patrick- Congrats on the win.

Chad- When I was growing up in El Paso my dad would say "it's a dry heat". :rolleyes: Hot is hot.

Smudge-Good call.

Bill- Interesting photo and hound.

TomO- Enjoy your friends and golf.

James- Enjoy your fishing.

Willie- Nice job on the sidewalk.

Todd- Nice pictures. I hope you and Maria get well soon.

Guy- Good looking elevator. Good luck with the gate.

Our plumeria started blooming today:



And our largest pineapple:


I hope everyone has a good night.
Afternoon All,

Started out the day with a walk at 77F and humid. Supposed to get to 98F today. Currently 93F. After breakfast I did a couple of chores then headed to the train room where I painted the exterior brick walls, glued the doors and windows onto the walls and glued weathered tin panels onto the two-section roof. Tomorrow I should finish up.

Troy- The pizza looks yummy. Hope the back is better and best wishes for Mom.

Patrick- Congrats on the win.

Chad- When I was growing up in El Paso my dad would say "it's a dry heat". :rolleyes: Hot is hot.

Smudge-Good call.

Bill- Interesting photo and hound.

TomO- Enjoy your friends and golf.

James- Enjoy your fishing.

Willie- Nice job on the sidewalk.

Todd- Nice pictures. I hope you and Maria get well soon.

Guy- Good looking elevator. Good luck with the gate.

Our plumeria started blooming today:

View attachment 187200

View attachment 187201

And our largest pineapple:

View attachment 187202

I hope everyone has a good night.
Thanks Curt!
I seem to be OkieDokie, now it is Maria's turn. Ya, married life ... right? Anyway, she is to see our Doc tomorra 1530ish. Suspect she will get the same treatment.

Good Afternoon All. The severe thunderstorm arrived almost on schedule. Started at 1400 and is now over at 1430. Rain gauge now has 1.55" in that 30 minute period; I don't know if it caught any hailstones or not.

All about dime sized. Temperature dropped from 75° to 59° in that same 30 minutes. I can't get out to the garden to assess damage until some of this water runs off, it's blocking passage to the train shed as well.
But we're safe and unscathed and dry!
Good Afternoon All. The severe thunderstorm arrived almost on schedule. Started at 1400 and is now over at 1430. Rain gauge now has 1.55" in that 30 minute period; I don't know if it caught any hailstones or not.
View attachment 187208
All about dime sized. Temperature dropped from 75° to 59° in that same 30 minutes. I can't get out to the garden to assess damage until some of this water runs off, it's blocking passage to the train shed as well.
But we're safe and unscathed and dry!
Be sure to go out and check your new roof for damage.
Update on Mom
Sis #2 was able to take Mom duty today - no one told me though.

I was able to Log in to mom's patient portal and see all the results her heart and kidney functions are slowing getting worse. No signs of heart attack or other problems. Her chest Xray and CT scan looked better than the last time she was in the ER about three weeks ago.

Unfortunately, her body is sending her signs that she's in the twilight years, and she's panicking and calling in the least little thing. But, we don't want her to NOT call in something major.

Best wishes to those dealing with new ailements.

As for me, when I golf, I can honestly say I've never lost a ball on the course. Of course, the clown on the 18th green always steals my ball, and the guy in the putter dispensing shack won't give it back unless I pay him.
Coffee Break! 15mins away from the gardener with the slave beating bullwhip!

Curt - Now my wife wants a plumeria plant. Don't seem to matter to her that they don't grow here. Then again, if she can grow a cantaloupe in this climate, I don't know why she couldn't try a plumeria.

If that 'new feature' saves all the photos posted in the coffee shop, I'll be alot more careful on what photos I post in the forum. No more photos of my ugly mug, or anything that isn't railroad model related.
I think I'll try my own experiment. Here's another boring photo of yet another old, repurposed grain elevator:

If that photo shows up in the gallery, I'll only post railway modelling photos from now on.

Have a great afternoon. Back to work for me!
The auto-upload function seems to be working well. I will go through and delete the non-train stuff from time to time. That will remove it from the gallery but not from the forum posts. So that should work fine.
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