Running Bear's March 2023 Coffee Shop

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Troy- Would a part time CPA be an option? I don't need to know-just an idea I had.
Paying for the CPA is the thing. I'm in the Catch-22 level. Can't afford to pay for one until I sell more.
To sell more, I need to make an online store, and start the nasty sales tax route. Might get a year in, maybe two, before I start hitting the levels where I have to pay other states' sales tax.
Just made our second trip to the basement as the sirens have gone off twice. I have yet to see much of anything severe in our area. Looks like according to the radar the severe stuff is going to the North and the South of us. The lights have flickered a couple of times but no power loss. Looks like about another 45 minutes and it will have moved out of here.

Hope everyone in the severe path is faring well.
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