Running Bear's June 2024 Coffee Shop

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Gomez Addams
Staff member
Good morning all. A sunny day?? Yes the sun is shining.
It was Dawn's birthday and our son's birthday as well on the same day earlier this month. Today is the first time the immediate family can all get together. It is party time. It will be good to see all the grandchildren together.

Back later
Good Morning All!

45F @ 64% and clear

Happy June!

Sherrel: Lights and kids never work; sometimes not even kids but grownups. I got tired of turning all the left on lights off and went with some of those PIR bulbs - they motion turn on and then turn off after 30ish seconds. Best thing we ever did. Continued with some motion detect wall switches in certain rooms/areas. Also have night lights in other rooms that help when you are stumbling around trying to get somewhere. We kinda got used to it and now only have to turn on/off major lights .. dining room, kitchen and stuff like that. There is a down side. When you are at somebody else's house, gee the lights get left on. Ya, Ya retraining.

Scotch Tape - stuff does not even taste like Scotch and it gets into your teeth!

Willie: Boy, how much of the framework can you claim on insurance? Building's and other stuff like that probably not. Good luck with it all. I know you will have fun just making it good again; PITA but still.

Chet: I have a couple of pieces of flex I will bring you. Maybe later today or so.

Some of my last layouts had problems with trains falling over. They would navigate any of the super elevation and complicated trackwork, but will derail and tip on the straight flat track. Makes life interesting!

Good morning!
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View attachment 190769
Nickel Plate Road No. 765 crosses over the Indiana/Michigan state line during the Indiana Rail Experience in 2022.
Photo: Bryson Sleppy
I rode behind 765 a few years ago from Chicago to Joilet and back. I think Summer 2019 but the keeper of dates and records is unavailable right now. A beautiful steamer and a great organization

Great picture
Good morning.... Coffee Flo and a menu, not sure what I want.

Just about done with the yard work, solar lights up and just one more spot to mulch. Pool is done and flowers planted. Now if the weather would warm up 50 in the morning and 65-70 in the day, a little tough on the garden plants.
Good Morning All. Partly cloudy and 68°, it's not raining! Upper 80's for a few days, then a couple in the low-90's. Nights are not going to be as cool as last night for a while. That's a bad omen for Tomato plants as their flowers do not pollinate with warmer nights. Rain slips in and out of the ten day forecast at the whim of whoever is in charge at the NWS. The days change more often than a newborn's diapers right now.

I need at least a day of dry conditions in order to collect debris from the yard that is left over from the tornado, which they are now classifying as an EF-3. Roof over the train shed was completed yesterday; I have gotten most of the debris out of the pool. No rest for the weary. Wife cajoled me for going to bed while it was still daylight last night, but that's the norm for me from June through August.

I was out in the train shed for a few minutes yesterday, listening to the sound of nail guns on the roof. The water damage is mainly to all of the boxes that are on the floor under the layout. I do seem to have some plywood warpage under one of the upper level staging yards. It may be fixable without too much effort. Several of the laser-cut wood structures will require rework. Cardstock roofs which are standard on American Model Builders kits will be replaced. I've found three so far. For the most part, I am just not touching stuff as I wait for ground foam and other landscape materials to dry out. The water leakage came through the ceiling along the seams between plywood sheets. There are four 32' seams running the length of the room; two of them are directly above aisles, so minimal to no soaking to the layout along those two aisles. Third aisle has seams on either side, and that's where most of the water infiltration occurred. My biggest scene with 11 laser-cut structures remained dry.
While this is a setback, all is somewhat easily fixed, much will need nothing. I haven't turned on the power yet, but I don't expect any issues there either. Most importantly, despite widespread damage around me in our small 70 acre enclave, no one was hurt. There were 7 deaths just a few miles east and I have read that there are over 100 injuries.
Read more here.

Sherrel - Great news in yesterday morning's post. I have the same issue with children and grandchildren and light switches!
Chris - Absolutely heartbreaking tale regarding the new diesel. It's been a good 25 years since I had a floor model.
Chet - Good to see some more pictures, and some structures that I recognize extra well.

That's enough for now. Time to walk the yard and the mile down the road.
Good morning Crew from the wet side of Wisconsin. The rain started maybe 10 minutes ago and per the WeatherChannel app continues till midnight when the chances are at 58%. Most of the hourly chances are showing 90%+ and radar has various rain shades till midnight. So when radar shows its dark green, yellow and red colors you know something is going to happen. Hopefully at least the 10:30 soccer game for the grandson is rained out. If not it needs to rain hard enough so I won’t need to go.

Stopped yesterday at the 72 mile away LHS as the one 5 miles away one no longer carry’s the paints I use. Breakfast yesterday was along the way to Hiawatha Hobbies. A couple stops on the way home and all was good.

Because of the rain today I am going to be working on the layout.

Enjoy the day
Good Morning All!

45F @ 64% and clear

Happy June!

Sherrel: Lights and kids never work; sometimes not even kids but grownups. I got tired of turning all the left on lights off and went with some of those PIR bulbs - they motion turn on and then turn off after 30ish seconds. Best thing we ever did. Continued with some motion detect wall switches in certain rooms/areas. Also have night lights in other rooms that help when you are stumbling around trying to get somewhere. We kinda got used to it and now only have to turn on/off major lights .. dining room, kitchen and stuff like that. There is a down side. When you are at somebody else's house, gee the lights get left on. Ya, Ya retraining.

Scotch Tape - stuff does not even taste like Scotch and it gets into your teeth!

Willie: Boy, how much of the framework can you claim on insurance? Building's and other stuff like that probably not. Good luck with it all. I know you will have fun just making it good again; PITA but still.

Chet: I have a couple of pieces of flex I will bring you. Maybe later today or so.

Some of my last layouts had problems with trains falling over. They would navigate any of the super elevation and complicated trackwork, but will derail and tip on the straight flat track. Makes life interesting!

I never tried the Scotch Tape but have those teeth issues with masking tape. Maybe they need warning labels like the McDonald’s ones that say coffee is hot…

Light bulbs. Our 2 kids were taught when you leave the room turn off the lights. Our 12 year old granddaughter is Down Syndrome and when she comes over EVERY light in the house gets turned on. We try but it’s one of her habits. The grandson does occasionally get ticked when he leaves a light on and someone tells him to go turn it off. He’ll say back no one tells H to turn them off!

I refuse to have the smart LED bulbs that can be programmed with Alexa, Siri or whatever device you name as the light controller in the house. The son and my brother though have every thing in their houses that can be programmed setup into those inferno devices
Good Morning All. Partly cloudy and 68°, it's not raining! Upper 80's for a few days, then a couple in the low-90's. Nights are not going to be as cool as last night for a while. That's a bad omen for Tomato plants as their flowers do not pollinate with warmer nights. Rain slips in and out of the ten day forecast at the whim of whoever is in charge at the NWS. The days change more often than a newborn's diapers right now.

I need at least a day of dry conditions in order to collect debris from the yard that is left over from the tornado, which they are now classifying as an EF-3. Roof over the train shed was completed yesterday; I have gotten most of the debris out of the pool. No rest for the weary. Wife cajoled me for going to bed while it was still daylight last night, but that's the norm for me from June through August.

I was out in the train shed for a few minutes yesterday, listening to the sound of nail guns on the roof. The water damage is mainly to all of the boxes that are on the floor under the layout. I do seem to have some plywood warpage under one of the upper level staging yards. It may be fixable without too much effort. Several of the laser-cut wood structures will require rework. Cardstock roofs which are standard on American Model Builders kits will be replaced. I've found three so far. For the most part, I am just not touching stuff as I wait for ground foam and other landscape materials to dry out. The water leakage came through the ceiling along the seams between plywood sheets. There are four 32' seams running the length of the room; two of them are directly above aisles, so minimal to no soaking to the layout along those two aisles. Third aisle has seams on either side, and that's where most of the water infiltration occurred. My biggest scene with 11 laser-cut structures remained dry.
While this is a setback, all is somewhat easily fixed, much will need nothing. I haven't turned on the power yet, but I don't expect any issues there either. Most importantly, despite widespread damage around me in our small 70 acre enclave, no one was hurt. There were 7 deaths just a few miles east and I have read that there are over 100 injuries.
Read more here.

Sherrel - Great news in yesterday morning's post. I have the same issue with children and grandchildren and light switches!
Chris - Absolutely heartbreaking tale regarding the new diesel. It's been a good 25 years since I had a floor model.
Chet - Good to see some more pictures, and some structures that I recognize extra well.

That's enough for now. Time to walk the yard and the mile down the road.
Maybe life is coming back to your normal
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