Running Bear's July 2018 Coffee Shop

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Howdy y'all. Currently in the 80s here, making the climb into the 90s today. Gonna be another rough day trying to play catch-up from the weekend and last week's vehicle trouble. On a positive note, the workload for the week looks good so I may be able to sneak out to the local HS and procure some more track for the new layout. Since I am trying to incorporate my passenger line into the mix, I have discovered that I can't put a 38" curve into a 24" space (who'da thunk it, right? Blasted laws of physics.) BUT, the good news is that since I am custom building a bathroom shelf organizer/vanity/keep your toiletries hidden type thing, I will have excess plywood leftover (and may buy more just to make certain of excess), couple of 1xs and some 2" foam and I should be in business. As long as I can find the real estate to store it in as work progresses. Looks like I'll be cleaning out from under the bed soon. Man what I wouldn't give to have just one corner of a room that isn't occupied by crap or blocked by a closet door. Oh well, if I play it right I can build legs for the it that can be removed when not in use. It'll be a while before I can put buildings on anyway, so I can use the under bed storage for now. Since I'm starting with the maintenance yard it'll take a while to get all of the switches, turntable, and track needed anyway. In the meantime I still have the EZ track I can set up to make trains run. Gotta start working on swapping out trucks and couplers anyway. Planning to use the magnetic couplers so that I can automate my operations from the start, hopefully making the eventual switch to DCC less painful and time consuming. Gotta start doing some maintenance on the new locomotives too. What's the best way to go about trying to speed match motors? I have some slow ones and some racers. I want to be able to run multi loco consists, but I don't want to risk decoupling or derailment from excess push/pull in the engine combos. And my last question of the day is: how much voltage drop is experienced by running more than 1 engine off of a standard DC power pack? Sorry for the long post, but being so busy now I can only post occasionally so I gotta put it out there when I think of it else I forget it.
Sherrel, there are many places to stop on the city side of the pass.
Just take the old road, there is virtually no traffic, and it parallels the railroad.
I don't recall the thing about requiring a park pass or something like that to drive down into the interior of the pass. Do you know the details on that?
Sherrel, I'm at the Chic-Fil-A over on Margarita. I'll be over to your house at about 7:45.
Good morning, everybody ...

Speaking of wildfires, I learned the Durango and Silverton train has resumed operations after the wildfire near Durango, but they will us diesel power.

Willie .... That is a big ship. Looks like it is for transporting vehicles.

Johnny .... Sounds like a good time with the family.

The fox was sleeping on our deck this morning even though I blocked off both ends of the deck. I'll try more ideas today.
A Fox sleeping on your porch is a good omen, don't drive it away! LOL Gearing up for fishing, have not gone in years. Gonna sit in a boat or sit by the fire for two weeks. Much needed. Upon my return thus refreshed I shall be making a video log of the next incarnation of the layout. I have the bits needed to re create the area that got me interested in MRR when I wuz a wee pup. Saw a derailment occur there with my own eyes, (boxcars rolling over make an impression) when I was in about fourth grade!

Hope everyone is having a good summer, got the refund and will be getting forks on the scootie bike in August just in time for some good late summer/ fall riding.

Happy Rolling!
Good Afternoon Everyone...sunny and nice. The day is not going as planned. Did a dump trip for the Mrs. and had the oil changed on my pickup truck.

Maybe tomorrow or later and I'm down to the railroad for a change.

That's all for now.


Good afternoon gang.
Made it to the beach in one piece, but quite warm for the last 30 minutes or so. We hit a brige seam an the drivers window of the car fell into the door! So much for the cooling effects of the A/C! For now its parked at the GFs sisters condo, then the local dealership in the morning.

WILLIE, days a big boat, saw one like it earlier going over the Chesapeake bay bridge, heading to Baltimore with a load of cars.
Ttyl gang, the Daiquiris are calling!
Afternoon All,

Worked on the pool, got chemicals and cut the grass. Needless to say it was hot as hades outside. I received my new kit in the mail today! I did not realize that it was coming from Cape Canaveral (about 70 minutes from here). I actually was going to buy the kit on the manufacturers website but when I clicked to pay, my computer said my financial information would not be secure, so I looked on Ebay and found it for $45 saving $25.:)

Karl- have a great vacation.

Sherrel/VA Ken- Enjoy the Cajon Pass tomorrow.

Chet- Thank you. Great club and 1:1 photos.

Joe- Thank you. Where is your son stationed at now? Please thank him for me.


I hope everyone has a good night. has been some time since I've posted on my beloved NF&G railroad. So here for y'all's enjoyment. These are shots from the now gone engine facility. But once upon a time it was a busy location. Nothing there now. I'm honestly glad I had the opportunity to see the engine facility before it was torn down.


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As far as the construction machinery goes, almost all of them are too modern for me. It was interesting to see those excavators on the MRL flat car. Just something to put on the wish list.

Yes, most machinery from pre 1957 that is modelled are Dozers. Wikipedia says the D9 was first introduced in 1955, but it is a different beast to the late ones. The flat car of MRL's is of the 60' HTTX type, I believe they appeared in '69. Intermountain Trains make a 70 ton with wood deck 54'? (laser cut) which I have a few AT&SF, built dates 1944, so probably still in service in '57.

On there site it says "Reserve now" as opposed to others that say "contact your dealer", so I assume they may be forthcoming soon.

This was the load I thought would look really good
I wonder how that line is doing, now that casinos are all over? That line has no where near the volume of use that the other NJT lines have. Last time I rode a train to Atlantic City, it was pulled by steam power.
It also gets a lot of use when there are events going on at the Convention Center(right next to the rail terminal). Also used Atlantic County commuters who work in Camden County & Center City Philly(change to PATCO in Lindenwold).
Curt: Ft. Drum, NY ( near the Canadian Border).
My bro-inlaw was stationed there when they came back from Germany about 15 years ago. I'm told there's now a direct route from I-81 to the main gate(instead of taking 342 to 11).
Good evening.
I thought I'd post a link to a video a neighbor of mine starred in, y'all might find it interesting:
Good morning everyone. 75 and sunny, reaching 93 today.

Got the day off tomorrow. Probably sleep in, grill lunch, and I'll bet we'll go shopping for bathroom remodel :rolleyes:

Not much to report today. Engineers couldn't release more water into the lake last night 'cause there were a few spots that still needed paint. Should be dry tonight, so we'll try to fill that lake this evening.

Have a good day everyone. Happy 4th of July tomorrow!!
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