Good mornin' y'all. Clear & sunshine today, 27 with w/c 23, Forecast high today 54 low tonight 27 no precip in the forecast. Another nice winter day in East Texas. Yesterday, took a few more non-moving items to Goodwill and Family Crisis Center. Closed up another box or two for the movers. Watched last episodes of Tulsa King and Landman. Both had quirky endings so guess we have to wait for a year for either new season or cancellation... Fan of Billy Bob Thornton, not so much Stallone, but both series were entertaining. Not a big TV watcher, usually no more than a couple hours a day, but with model building stuff all packed up gotta do something.. you know the old saying - an idle mind...
Everybody's train rooms looking great. New place has a couple of areas I can fit in a shelf style layout, maybe 18" x 12' L-shape. The Pine Flat diorama was necessitated by the lack of linear space. Theme still the same - backwoods sawmill stuff, engine and repair shops on one end, sawmill on the other with stuff like pallet mill, box factory etc in between. HO standard gauge. We'll see..
Nurse Judy and Daughter #1 back tomorrow evening. Phelix the Cat is warting me for something to eat and about time for a coffee refill.
Y'all have a good day and take care.