RFP 50' box car - my free time this past weekend


Active Member
Here is what I did with my free time this weekend. I used all gauche paints for this so far. I airbrushed the white on then I sprayed it with dullcote then I hand painted the dark streaks on. I know I need to clean up the dark streaks on this but I would like to hear what others think of this. I really noticed with the photos on the computer as to how dark the streaks are now.

I know I'm not working with a nice model but since its only my 3rd car I'm not ready to work on the better models yet.

The work thus far

The prototype I've kinda based my work on for this model

And this will be the one for the second side and the way I will work the white doors
Thanks everyone for the kind words but I don't think I'm done yet. I still need to work other colors into the rust streaks, re-due the white streaks and then get some dirt and dull to colors some. I'll post as I go.
Go get a copy of the N-Scale May/June 2008 issue, it has a great article on "unweathering". The basic idea is to weather it heavy, and then go clean it up. You might want to give it a try if you think some of the streaks are too dark.
Although the car looks good to me.
I got some work done on this model and you can see the photos in the album with the title "Phase 3" http://s282.photobucket.com/albums/kk269/ddemeny/RFPcar/?albumview=slideshow
Love to hear what you think. I did a wash of dirt color to tone down the white and gloss of the model. I got the streaks to a color I like and I added the roof rust.

UPDATE 5-20-2008: I did some weathering to the trucks and got some sunny day to take a few photos outside and I've added these photos.

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Thanks to all for the kind words. I've placed the model on ebay for auction and hope I can find a good home for this car.
I hope everyone will enjoy the holiday weekend.
