Pikestuff buildings....

Who on here is a pro at building these pain in the butt buildings? Just spent 13.00 on the kitbasher series "Contractors Building" long story short, I totally destroyed it while trying to cut the openings. If you have any pointers on how to cut them other than a sharp hobby knife or scroll saw let me know....lol

take your time and I like to use a flat blade and cut out the tops of doors, windows or corners with that and then use a sharp blade to cut out the rest.
I run a knife or a scribe (scratch awl) over the cut lines repeatedly with minimal pressure. Then I use a sharp knife to final cut the opening and follow up with a fine file.

Somebody (Micromark?) sells a tool called a nibbler that might be good.

I know what you mean though - the plastic tends to "stretch" rather than cut cleanly.
I bought the loco shed, kit bashers series.
It had the bay precut. I had to cut 2 door openings. I applied minimal presure with an exacto knife, numerous times.
Did great on one door, not so great on the other. Good kit though, I will purchase more.
Steel straight edge... shallow cuts and go slow. Over and over with light pressure until the tip of the blade goes through. And use new blades. Using blades past their prime is a false economy. Sooner or later you will ruin a piece or slip and cut yourself.
Flip your x-acto knife over and scribe the cut line with the back side of the blade's tip -- use moderate pressure and take a few passes. This will lift a curl of plastic out and avoid the stretching someone else mentioned.

Use a straight edge as a guide to keep the cut line from wandering.
