painting athearn handrails

hi all
i want to know if there is a paint out there that will stick to the athearn plastic handrails? it seemd that the handrails regent any type of paints
I've found that Floquil and Polly S just don't hold well on engineered plastic handrails. They are too thin and flake off too easily. As Josh wrote, first wash them off well with soap and water because there are oils from the mold release that make things worse. The best paint I've found in terms of durability is nasty old Testors in the little bottles you can find just about anywhere. It's a little thicker and seems to have more bite. No matter what you use, just resign yourself to the fact that you'll always have to be touching them up since I haven't found any paint that has 100% durability.
You might have better luck using Pactra (by Testers) paint.
It's used by the RC hobbyists on flexible plastic bodies.
And yes, as Jim and Josh mentioned try washing the oils off, it does make a differance.
Go to your local automotive supply store and ask for plastic adhesion promoter paint. A friend of mine paints cars for a living and got me a bottle of this stuff, it works great. Wash the handrails and paint them with this stuff and then paint them as normal and the paint doesn't flake off.
For standard colours like black, white and yellow, look for the flex-paints RC car builders use.
screw the athearn handrails. the ones that came with my rtr tunnel motors keeping breaking there so thin. I just ordered metal ones off ebay for $4.
