Pacing a KCS Belle,nice K5LLA horn action

Grade crossing horn rule

I guess he didn't attend the book of rules class last year. Grade crossing horn rule 2 longs, 1 short and 1 long.

"RULE 14 (l) * – – o – Trains or engines approaching public highway grade crossings shall sound the horn for at least 15 seconds, but no more than 20 seconds before the lead engine enters the crossing. Trains or engines traveling at speeds greater than 45 mph shall begin sounding the horn at or about, but not more than, one-quarter mile (1,320 feet) in advance of the nearest public crossing. Even if the advance warning provided by the horn will be less than 15 seconds in duration. This signal is to be prolonged or repeated until the engine or train occupies the crossing; or, where multiple crossing are involved, until the last crossing is occupied. 2. Approaching tunnels, yards, or other points where railroad workers may be at work. 3. Passing standing trains"

I think he did attend...There was no crossing that he didn't blow a 14L for...Hard to judge it when the crossings are so close together.

Well I don’t remember any of that rule but it’s probably right. Two longs a short and long was what we sounded and if was at 4 am it was even more abbreviated. I said he should have known this from his annual book of rules but the class was mostly a refresher on train orders. Learning to sound the horn properly was part of on the job training.

Now I wish I would have saved my book of rules. I know grade crossing were 2 longs a short and a long. I don’t remember any duration rule how many seconds each had to be but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t one. I do remember running the train as a fireman laying on the horn at 4 am in Pawling, NY. The engineer said what you are trying to do wake up everyone in the town.

