Omi m630 cpr #4562

This hobby should be about whatever the individual desires it to be!

,,, Ken

Despite the fact that this thread is being taken in another direction, I'll have to take issue with this statement. You are fundamentally right, Ken...but...

What if my interpretation of this hobby was to run this M630 head-on, at full speed, into my trainset of Kaslo LRC coaches? Surely, that would generate an outcry, and probably would not jive with MOST people's views of what this hobby serves.

This hobby can serve any purpose to anyone. I think you'd agree, Ken, that even if you don't like weathering or painting, you probably are devoted to some aspect of the hobby. Like Ops, electronics, decoder programming, mode building, photography, scenery, track-laying, vehicle and freight car fleets... I'm sure I'm just scratching the surface.

Ken, what is your weak spot??? What is the facet of this hobby that you LOVE and that pushes you to experiment and expand your horizons? I would say that, IF there's nothing that challenges you about this hobby- well, you're in the VAST minority. Perhaps also not in the right hobby?
