New Cooncreek alterations.


Well, it took me quite a while to re-do the trackplan to its new form and make it clickable on the arrows.
Just click on the trackplan below which takes to to a larger version, to see any of the photographs, just move the mouse over the arrow where it will change to a hand. click on the photo. When you have looked at a photo, click "BACK, top left" and go to the next photo and so on.
Have fun.


You know, I just looked at your track plan and realize it would fit in the space I have available. Yikes! Sure is tempting to try something like that.

I don't have nearly enough time to do it justice though, so my ideas for a standard gauge HO trackplan will have to suffice for now...
Thanks for the kind words folks. :) :) :)

modelbob said:
You know, I just looked at your track plan and realize it would fit in the space I have available. Yikes! Sure is tempting to try something like that.

I don't have nearly enough time to do it justice though, so my ideas for a standard gauge HO trackplan will have to suffice for now...

Now now Bob,
It only takes a few minutes to make your mind up about 0n30, come on, give it a go --- you'll love it.

Shamus said:
Thanks for the kind words folks. :) :) :)

You're quite welcome, they're very well deserved. Your modeling is some of the finest work I've had the pleasure to see photo of. It has just a tiny bit of "caricature" flavor, not sure why. You can usually tell it's a model photo right away, but it captures the flavor of the prototype perfectly. The details are what really amaze me. A good example is the ground cover in his forest areas. Great stuff, looks really good!

Shamus said:
Now now Bob,
It only takes a few minutes to make your mind up about 0n30, come on, give it a go --- you'll love it.

I've already decided to model On30. There's a nice little Bachmann 2-6-0 and caboose in GN colors sitting on the shelf next to me. It's a great looking engine (love that dark green boiler jacket) and I plan on building some kind of a layout for it some day. I've got my eye on one of those Climaxes too.

However, I'm far too attached to much of my HO stuff to consider giving it all up and starting over. There's nothing special here, the GG1 is the most expensive thing I own, but lots of the stuff is gifts or souvineers of trips etc. So my main layout will be HO.
