

New Member
My name is Gary and I recently moved back to San Antonio from Phoenix in the nick of time as last Sunday it hit 120 degrees... I found my locomotives from when I was in High School and have started amassing track, rolling stock and a few more Diesel engines. So I will be seeking help and advice on repairs. I am looking forward to the fun!

WELCOME to the forum and hope we can be of some assistance! Check out the "coffee shop" for general conversations and such!
Welcome aboard Gary. Friendliest RR forum around. Like Dave said, join us in the Coffee Shop for some general banter, both RR and non-RR related. We need some more Texans here. My son and his wife just moved into a house in San Antonio, but like Joe Walsh once sang "I've never been there; they tell me it's nice". Been to SA many times and it's nice.

Hi Gary: Welcome to the forums with a vast array of knowledge and knowhow on all aspects of Model Railroading. This is really a great group of folks, mostly guys but there are a few ladies too. As Willie above said, do stop by the ANPL Coffee down the forums list. It's also referred to as Jeffreys' Dinner, so named after a depart forum member from about 1.5 years ago.

See you there, David
