G-A-P Jr. Railroad

Great job on both the water and the bridge scene Will!
Best of luck with the tests and all, we'll waiting to hear how it goes...
Addvice I have to offer. Don't do what I did.u get a pain get it checked out don't smile and deal with with it.I did so much damage my xrays look laughable.
Well I have strayed away for a bit I planned on a more complete layout buy now but I can't be on my legs for long periods of time any more.surgeries are comeing up I think 6 total I hope to not have to go threw a airport anytime soon!!!
1st of many major surgeries Tuesday and my wife has turned my train room into a storage area she has till next Thursday to remove her junk because I can't sit around on my butt after surgery I have to be active to get new hip right
If my wife had her way, the house would be one big cupboard with hallways for access. It would be tidy though for a short time.
It's part my fault its been a good 8 months since I even opened the doors its alot of room to throw something in so that's why her butt is getting up at 6 am to clear it out 1st thing in the morn!!
I wish I could double up on surgeries but the docs won't. Because they don't even know how I m gona do pt on the 1st one both hips,both knees, both shoulders full replacements
I wish I could double up on surgeries but the docs won't. Because they don't even know how I m gona do pt on the 1st one both hips,both knees, both shoulders full replacements

Wow! What happened to you Will? I hope and pray you come out of this OK and in decent shape because it sure seems to be a very serious condition you have.

Just got back home a few days ago from 1st surgery and don't let anyone lie to ya its very painfull,what happened is a combo of bad luck and lots of roid shots years ago came back to haunt me.
Reading your post, it's very good. I'm very sorry to hear about your health problems, I know how those go. There is a bunch of great guys here, lean on them.
The strange thing is my health is great just dead bone and bad joints do to past treatments that helped a problem at the time bit me later on
Well luckly my house was spared from the tornados last week I was missed buy a few hundred feet.I watched it pass buy was lucky for a change because the death and distruction is all around me.I had way to much of a interesting year so far and new hip is ok but I don't like the bone pain from install which I was told should go away in a few weeks or the limited motion I'm gona be stuck with
Will, I was really worried that your house may have been in the path. I saw the Athens city map super-imposed on the actual radar of the tornado, and that debris cloud it picked up, and was visible on radar, looked awful close. Now we just have to get you recovered from the total hip.
Carey it was so close u would not Belive turn out of my drive drive down one block turn right that's were the 2 deaths were dodged another massive tornado 3 years to the day I had wife and kid leave before I could not run only watch
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Hey Will glad to hear your house is all right, sorry to hear you're still having some pain.
I'm just getting over a crack I took to the old noggin around new years, that will take a while too!
I sure had my share of tornadoes over the years when I was in and around tornado alley!
Thanks Rico I'm still long way from done 3 more joints to replace but I'm headed back to the layout room to start doing some work its been awhile but it helps with my rehab on hip
I'm tired of it you only get lucky so many times and all my luck has been bad for most part I'm ready to move.after all the close misses living here 15 years time for change
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