Fun project idea


New Member
I got this idea from the tallying of expenses thread. I mentioned to a family member that I'd gotten into the hobby and as a gift recently recieved a small bachman set (few trains and an oval of track), none of this is really helpful to my main layout project as it is in a completely different era and I really dislike the look of the bachman ez track. I decided that rather than just ebaying the set I'd build a small oval layout just for fun and to see exactly how cheap I could build an at least halfway decent looking layout. I will be recording all of my expenses and trying to bargain bin as much as humanly possible.

I have already found a small coffee table that I'm going to use for the benchwork (my parents we're going to throw it out). Picked up a piece of plywood in the discount bin for 2 bucks, and some foam board for another 2. So so far I figure I'm at about $65-70 (this including the theoretical price of the Bachman set). I'm planning to scratchbuild as much as possible/reasonable buildings wise and work with as many found materials and that type of thing for the scenery.

The layout itself is going to be a pretty simple oval, theme based freelance of a union pacific train with an engine, a few stock cars and a caboose, rolling through Iowa farmland (no particuler era) with a large farmhouse as a centerpiece. Anyway, it seems like a fun idea, I have a feeling I'm a bit optomistic about how cheap I can actually do this but I'm going to try really hard to keep it low, Ill let you all know how it goes!
I'm thinking of something along those lines, a small N layout set in the winter.
Like you said, an oval with a detailes farm scene maybe.
We'll be watching for the pics!
Nothing wil be cheaper than building a Plywood Pacific. Tack down the track, draw some outlines of buildings on the open spaces and let 'er roll.

Just kidding. Sounds like a fun challenge and a great way to sharpen your skills. Post some pics as you go along.
theme based freelance of a union pacific train with an engine, a few stock cars and a caboose, rolling through Iowa farmland (no particuler era)
Well a caboose does put a time element in there, as does UP in Iowa. Originally the Rock Island, Burlington, and Chicago Northwestern (pool roads) brought the traffic through Iowa to hit the UP transcon. I don't remember when the UP actually went into Iowa, whether it was with the bankrupcy of RI, or when they bought the CNW. Might be easier to move that to a farmland in Nebraska.

Over all I think it is a cool idea. I think you are starting with too high a dollar cost though by assuming that one purchases the set new. I would guess one could get a used set for much cheaper, or even better get all the pieces for a "set" at a swap meet.

If I had the time I would try the same thing and we could compare notes.
