first layout 4x8


New Member
This is my very first layout so far on 4x8 plywood.I am getting more track so i will be changing the track around.i bought the coca cola train from hawthorne village.

Looks like you have a good start with track. Although if you are going to use sectional track like that might I suggest going to your local hardware store (Home Depot/Lowes) and getting a 2" thick 4x8 foam board for your subroadbed?

Looks good though! Welcome to the forums by the way :D

Best regards,
decided to change my lay out to track plan#4 from the made ez track book from bachmann that comes with the expander set.i decided to make the inner loop go up on a pier set so i could put track underneath it.Onl;y problem with this is the train has problem going up where it begins to climb up but then can;t continue going on as it get's stuck,what can i do to solve that problem?




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At first it seems like a good idea but that grade you have is more for roller coasters than trains. I'd do like suggested earlier and put 2 inches of builder foam on top of the plywood. Then you can cut it out as needed for bridges etc. Get used to running the trains first before going any further. The bridge/pier route will run you in to problems especially if you attempt 6 axle loco's.
To help out your grade problems: Don't go any higher than you need too. Look at how high your clearance needs to be to clear the other track. You may not need to use the highest piers in the set to reach that. Also spread the piers out a bit further to make the grade longer so the slope is less severe.
Indid the trestles and everything is fine again.I also have these card board boxes but not sure what to do with them.I was thinking of a tunnel.
Did some more temp work on seeing how the train would do going up in elevation,so far so good and haven't had the engine stall.

the engine itself will climb easily even stepper grade. check if you can pull as many cars as you planning to run with. i suggest weighting the cars down a bit as well to test for extreme scenario. on my crazy climb i cannot pull more then 8 (which is not a problem really as that climb is a reverse section and can accommodate only 8-9 car train)

its been said but i will repeat - highly advise get rid of this white stuff, use pink or blue while it is not to late. feel free to disregard however...
I just started my own first layout. I would totally suggest using the pink foam and I will tell you why. I have noticed in my limited experience that not only will it give you a superior carve-ability and look as you try to mold your terrain, but secondly it will be much more durable so the edges and delicate details will not be as susceptible to damage. It's pretty darn cheap too. Use liquid nails for project (the old formula if you can find it not the new with the "green" badge on the label.)
I would have to agree. While I haven't got started on my first layout yet, I have been on these forums picking up tips from those with the experience for when I can get started. One thing for sure, you want the blue or pink foam insulation board not only under your layout but for use for constructing tunnels/hills.

Before that you may want to look at your foundation of the layout, by the photos it looks like several boxes holding up one end as well a table on top of another box on the other end. May want to make a strong foundation before investing time and money into the layout's trackwork and scenery.
You dont want to do more than 2% grade and that can still be a problem.

In simple terms for every 100 inches of track you can go up 2 inches.
You need 100 inches to go back down again.

On a 4x8 the best way to achieve this is with the 2 inch foam board.
Raise some track above and cut some down in the foam.
This way they can pass under and it also gives you some terrain.

I like those tunnels and I would leave them so the lift off.
