I had a day off today and spent a little time taking some photos of the layout. Most of the track is ballasted now, so the appearance is much improved.
Photo #1 - A train exits tunnel 8 headed down hill. Sound equipped locos have dynamic brake sounds and this unit has a Digitrax sound module which produces a really nice dynamic brake sound effect.
Photo #2 - A little further down hill, the train crosses the west switch at Fields (still no signals in place yet).
Photo #3 - A slow moving train pushing up hill toward Fields.
Photo #1 - A train exits tunnel 8 headed down hill. Sound equipped locos have dynamic brake sounds and this unit has a Digitrax sound module which produces a really nice dynamic brake sound effect.
Photo #2 - A little further down hill, the train crosses the west switch at Fields (still no signals in place yet).
Photo #3 - A slow moving train pushing up hill toward Fields.