Cab forward dcc/sound

Opinions vary but the Soundtraxx and Digitraxx one's are well regarded. Fore stream locos usually the only available space for a speaker is in the tender, which will require various wires running between the loco and tender. There are any number of video's on line regarding installing such equipment. I suggest you research this thoroughly. A video producer who calls himself the "DCC Guy" likes the Soundtraxx Econami".
I would install one of these:

between the locomotive and the tender. Wire the locomotive connections to the holes on the flat part, keeping track of what wire went to which hole.Then install the decoder and speaker in the tender, wiring the connections to the appropriate wire on the plug.
Given the amount of room in the tender, I would install a NixTrainz ( Decoder Buddy and a 21 pin decoder. That way if something goes wrong with the decoder you can remove it without having to un-solder everything.
I'm a fan of Soundtraxx decoders, myself. I like their sound, and the built in equalizer permits tweaking the sound to get it just how I want it. Plus they're made in the U. S. of A.! Others will recommend different brands.
Which Rivarossi cab forward do you have? I have a red box 5424, cab #4274, I would like to do the DCC/sound conversion to, but the monkey deck (the flat platform between the locomotive and tender) is hopelessly broken and I can't find a replacement. :(
but the monkey deck (the flat platform between the locomotive and tender) is hopelessly broken and I can't find a replacement.
Would it be possible to remove what's still attached to the loco use that as a template and scratch build a replacement ?
