Building the Pinnacle Creek Mining & Timber Co. RR

Thanks all. I keep trying.

Kyle, Welcome to the thread. Browse or use as you wish. By the way everyone should click on your Blue Tombstone link. Great stuff therein. Jim :)
A2T, Thank you. Nothing I haven't mentioned before, but now those passing thoughts are in one place.

SS, Welcome, I'm happy you like the photo. Realism is what I strive for. Since I only do this modeling to take pictures the onus is on me to get it 'right' as possible. The above photo was not the final. In the water you see the ModgePodge not quite dry. Since you found this photo that means you been going through the thread. Good for you. Glad to be of help. Here is the 'final' photo. Jim:)


HOExplorer, your scenes are simply amazing. Can you show me where this particular scene is in relation to the rest of your layout?
Hi HOExplorer,
so I don´t know why I´ve missed that thread and I´ve just started reading (finished the first 25 pages for now) but your scenery work is amazing.That´s the look I will reach for my layout.It´s another time period and another region but the basics are the same...I´ve done some small dioramas in bigger scale and other things and hope to convert it into HO scale....thanks for the inspirations and tips etc.. it´s just an 1:25 scale diorama done some years ago

I haven´t started with scenery on my layout so I found your thread just in time for the next level on it.....

Spiral, Try post #772 I think it is on page 78. I recommend you go through the thread just for the photos if nothing else. Jim :)

I'm sure you have answered this somewhere in the 235 pages of this thread, I just can't seem to find it; however, what do you use for your water? I really does look amazing.

Okay, I'm an idiot! Found the answer :)
Good one Tony.

For any of you that didn't find the answer it is Woodland Scenics Realistic Water with a coat or two of ModgePodge brushed on after the Realistic Water is completely dry. 4-5 days. Jim:D
Getting down to 'brass tacks' now. The cliff fascia is almost finished, thus the layout is almost finished! One more bridge to design and build and I'm done, again. I have some buildings to scratch build for the mines yet as well. If you studied the cliff fascia you noticed two places for bridges. In the photo below you can see a 'metal' bridge. It is small one only took about 15 minutes to build. It is probably over built because it spans about 20 feet, but like they say, 'It is my layout......' Jim:)

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HMM .. I think your Flat Car bridge might have looked better? I can't quite make out how the bracing fits! For some reason it looks "skewed" in the photo; can you give us a shot made more from the left?

I think it may be getting close to my "pilgrimage" visit. I have a 2-8-0 (On30) that has never been out of its box - I'm guessing it's just DC only? Can it operate on your layout?
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Sherril, I put the flat car in there and it really doesn't fit on this mainline track. Flat cars were used over little creeks and water courses where building 'official' culverts were too much trouble, or too expensive. Flat cars are basically 'backwoods' stuff. The little bridge was actually made using extra plastic scraps from my drawer. The dent in the layout is a shallow U. It has bugged me since I cut it way back when. The photo angle above is take just right of center. Looks all out of wack but it is not in 'real life.'

Yes, bring your On30 loco down this layout runs DC and DCC, 22 inch minimum curves. I'm really busy through mid-July however. Family this weekend again, Gayle's birthday, and then a cataract op for her. Let me know.

By the way if any of you are in San Diego please let me know and we can get you here at my place easily enough. Jim:)
Spiral, Try post #772 I think it is on page 78. I recommend you go through the thread just for the photos if nothing else. Jim :)
OK, I'm confused, though -- Jim, wasn't that your earlier layout? The one you took out last summer to build this one? Or am I mistaken?
Erik, Yup, that was the previous layout. All things in these pages are always fair game. I try not to be too repetitive, but sometimes new folks ask questions so that is why the wharf photos. Hard to believe I built this one in less than a year. I only have a couple buildings to build (scratch) and a bridge and I'm done. When I finish I will post a wide photo and then some better quality shots. This layout is simply a runner deal and it all works. It lacks the dramatic feel of the previous layout because it is flatter. Where the previous layout had track over a foot above the base this one only rises 5 inches. I like the look of my desert area, but I'm having some trouble with proper lighting for good photography. Photography, of course, is the real reason I build this stuff anyway. Next? Not sure, but I think this is it. Jim:)
Been busy with family and my wife's cataract operation. No rest. I did manage to begin "Last Bridge." The span is only 60 feet and I'm thinking no piers this time. Any thoughts? Jim :eek:

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It really needs piers. It's way too spindly this way. The rocks are fantastic. No , better than fantastic Blayne
If you're not looking to build another layout, how about writing and administering a tutorial section of the forums? I think it would allow you to continue providing the very valuable information that you do and serve as a great creative outlet for yourself.
Good looking bridge. I think the look is borderline on whether it appears strong enough visually. For a shoestring mining operation on narrow gauge I think it works as is. If you do decide to add structure maybe you could just do angular kicker braces (Rail?) on each side rather than full on vertical columns.
That is a good idea, sort of the rickety look.
