A small DPM building I detailed


Pennsy Tuscan Red Blood
This is a Carol Corner Cafe model from DPM I built a couple of years ago. decide to put a complete interior in it because it's close to the edge of the layout. The downstairs is a cafe, I have yet to put the tables and chairs in it... soon though. The upstairs is an apartment with furniture from styrene and bass wood, kitchen cabinets, stairway, even the kitchen sink:D . It's built per directions. a combo of airbrushed and hand painted. The sign I printed on the computer (Rachel is my daughter) and scratch built the sign support. I still want to add more detail, but that will be in the future.

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Thanks for lookin'
I love those varying bricks! I'll have to pass this along to my Dad when he starts building the town area of his layout!
I love those varying bricks!

Yeah, I always looked at other peoples brick buildings and most are a solid colored brick. I wanted a variety. I airbrushed the main body color, then hand brushed random bricks a lighter shade of brick (straight from a bottle or mix main body color with white, light tan, etc.) and even few bricks a darker shade of brick. It took a little time but made a big difference.
Looks great!!..I like how you used your daughters name for the business...My friend has a row in his street with a store for all his family, an antique/craft store for his wife, a hardware store for his brother, a music store for him and a couple others I can't remember now. he even has all there homes and his has his street rod and tri-axle dump parked beside it...
I really like your checker board interior and the details...I recently detailed 2 buildings inside...I even used contact paper for wall paper...Another thing to check out you might like is "Brick Mortar" (you might already know of it) Its a white caulky paint that is very runny and when brushed over bricks, it lays in the mortar lines and then when dried, wipe off with rag or pencil eraser that I use when it dries too much. It really makes the brick work POP out!....
But back to your project...It looks AWESOME!!! Love when people take the time to do the interiors!
This is a couple more shots.

the first one is a close-up of the back wall. Notice the electrical service for the cafe down stairs and apartment upstairs. I still have to install an exhaust fan for the grill in the kitchen of the cafe.
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And here's another veiw of the upstairs. Can you see the picture on the right wall of the livingroom? I made it by shrinking down a picture on the computer. glue it to thin styrene after painting the edge brown for the frame.
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I love checkered board floor and the counter.


That was easy to do. I found the pattern in windows paints. You can adjust the size so I printed a few sizes till one measured a scale 12" tiles for the floor and then doubled it for the counter. It's printed on regular computer paper and then glued to styrene. the counter top is actual aluminum foil glued to styrene. I put a mirror on the wall with the foil also. You can't see the jukebox in the corner but that was found on printshop and shrunk then glued to the fron of some basswood.
