A different sort of form feature?

About 15 years ago I ran the Adventure Quest Bulletin Board system. In addition to file sharing, and discussion forms it featured all sorts of puzzles and games. At that time I had written a game called "Mountain Rails". It was a game consisting of a mountianous territory where people formed railroad companies and built their railroads into the mountains to tap the wealth of the mines, farms, and ranches (not to mention making a transcon connection). It was not real time but a game that everyone basically got one turn per specified time interval (2 days, 1 day, 12 hours, 8 hours, etc.).

I was just thinking that this sort of game might easily be adapted to these sorts of RR related forms. I was wondering if anyone had any interst in that sort of thing, or if I would be wasting my time resurecting the code?
It may be a resurrection to you, but I've never seen it so it would be all new to me. I'm sure others will feel the same way and those who don't want to see it can simply ignore it. As long as it doesn't violate any of the forum's rules, go for it.
