About 15 years ago I ran the Adventure Quest Bulletin Board system. In addition to file sharing, and discussion forms it featured all sorts of puzzles and games. At that time I had written a game called "Mountain Rails". It was a game consisting of a mountianous territory where people formed railroad companies and built their railroads into the mountains to tap the wealth of the mines, farms, and ranches (not to mention making a transcon connection). It was not real time but a game that everyone basically got one turn per specified time interval (2 days, 1 day, 12 hours, 8 hours, etc.).
I was just thinking that this sort of game might easily be adapted to these sorts of RR related forms. I was wondering if anyone had any interst in that sort of thing, or if I would be wasting my time resurecting the code?
I was just thinking that this sort of game might easily be adapted to these sorts of RR related forms. I was wondering if anyone had any interst in that sort of thing, or if I would be wasting my time resurecting the code?