
  1. D

    Baldwin 'Babyface' Interest Survey

    Hello! Recently, I have been developing a business based around producing replacement diesel shells in HO scale. These shells would be used to allow the modeling of a different prototype on an existing chassis. I have been in contact with a manufacturer and am now gauging market interest for my...
  2. Iron Horseman

    Walther's Named Train Survey

    I don't know how long this survey has been out there since one of the trains listed is "B&O Capital Limited" of which I already have about 1/3 the set in hand..... But please take the time to go out and fill it out. Also, for me, please indicate you would definitely buy the CB&Q Denver...
  3. V

    Model Railroader Form <------Form A short survey to see trends in model railroading and see what other people are doing.
  4. Davidellias

    Survey regarding Online Model Railroad Shopping

    Hello, I have had the thought recently of starting an online Model Railroad store as a business. I'd like to get your input on the feasibility of doing a store. 1. How often do you shop online compared to a physical storefront? 2. What are your biggest concerns when shopping online...
