
  1. KeeperofToast

    Motor-only decoder

    I am scratchbuilding a turntable, and I'd like to operate it using DCC. I don't need a sound decoder or one that controls extra functions, just one that controls the speed and direction of the motor I'm using. Any recommendations for decoders to use for this purpose?
  2. K

    Scratchbuilding WT51 Water Tender

    For those not familiar, the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum (in Chattanooga) has a handful of restored Southern Railway steam loccomotives, most notably #630 (2-8-0) and #4501 (2-8-2). When they do excursions with these engines, they generally use an external water tender, TVRM WT51. Below is...
  3. Guilfordguy

    Unique, kitbashed, scratchbuilt or just plain cool buildings you have seen or have!!!

    Share pictures or talk about unique, kitbashed, scratchbuilt or just super awesome or cool buildings you have seen or have on your layout or someone else's layout. Here's one of a burnt down garage. (R. Nixon Used Cars Sign was on there when I bought it, thought id keep it, No political opinion:D)
  4. ATSF class FT-33

    ATSF class FT-33

    scratchbuilt piggybacks
