I was given this as a child in 1976. I took it to an experienced model railroader in 1984 and he got it running. He had to make a couple of pieces of track as he said it was an unknown gage. It has the number 240 stamped on it and it is stamped - country of origin japan. It has been on a shelve...
Dear Friends,
I've recently posted a video on YouTube showing construction of my outdoor gauge 1 track. The second-half shows quite a bit of live steam running action. Footage includes some scratch built Pullman sleeper cars as well. They are resin cast from plans I developed using the 1943 Car...
1-1/2" scale Northern Pacific "Yellowstone" 2-8-8-4 #5002. Just completed this year by a member of the Central Oregon Area Live Steamers (COALS) in Bend, OR.