I have been making an N scale Polar Express Theater on wheels train layout. It is all 3d printed and uses ez track.
I wanted to add in a signal light for my turnout. After doing much testing and research, I found out that when I used my insulated frog, ( a piece of track that I acquired from a...
I have an N scale Bachmann EZ track set up and initially it worked beautifully on the kitchen table. I built a special table for it and transferred the track to it. In general, it worked well but the loco stops and starts at various points. At first I thought it must be dirty tracks and/or...
hello im new to the forum i have a few question about my layout im just getting started here goes im using ez track on a 4 x 8 table im thinking about buying the dcc bachmann commander train set and some extra track and add to it, what is the best way to wire it will i need a bus line or a...