
  1. ctclibby

    MRC Universal 16Bit sound/decoder ( EMD 567 )

    Good Morning Gals and Guys! Was sifting through my crap to classify it and found multiples; 8 NiB. I have decided NOT to upgrade power that already has a decoder but no sound. If they happen to have sound when bought, so be it. I have multiple engines that are DC only so it looks like a ton of...
  2. KeeperofToast

    Motor-only decoder

    I am scratchbuilding a turntable, and I'd like to operate it using DCC. I don't need a sound decoder or one that controls extra functions, just one that controls the speed and direction of the motor I'm using. Any recommendations for decoders to use for this purpose?
  3. R

    An Arduino as 16x function- and 6x servo-decoder

    An Arduino can be used as a combined function- plus servo decoder. This has a price tag under €5,- (including a fast opto-coupler). Thanks to the people behind mynabay who made available the code for decoding the DCC commands. I added the software to control the outputs and the servos...
  4. X

    Need help Installing decoder in proto (walters) GP38-2

    Being new to DCC I'm seeking some advice. I have two proto (walthers) GP38-2's #920-75008. Both run excellent and are DCC ready but there do not appear to be drop in decoders available for them. The only ones I can find that are suggested are the digitrax dz143 or the dz125. Both of these...
