Running Bear's March 2024 Coffee Shop

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Good evening. It’s severe thunderstorming and 68. I’m currently writing this on my iPad, since the power is out, and not expected to return until after midnight.
And of course, that is causing a lot more issues with my latest life change. I am now the proud parent of a 5 year old chiweenie. And the storm, lack of power, and the fact the delivery person can’t get here until tomorrow with her dog food…
Anyway, here’s a pic I just took of her…

Good evening. It’s severe thunderstorming and 68. I’m currently writing this on my iPad, since the power is out, and not expected to return until after midnight.
And of course, that is causing a lot more issues with my latest life change. I am now the proud parent of a 5 year old chiweenie. And the storm, lack of power, and the fact the delivery person can’t get here until tomorrow with her dog food…
Anyway, here’s a pic I just took of her…
Congratulations on the new dog.

What's the name?
You're welcome. A few other interesting things about Tru-Color:

My biggest issue was the lack of consistency in thinning. the acetone molecule is so agile it migrates right through the plastic bottle so you may need to thin anywhere from not at all to 70% depending on the shelf time your bottle has had. You have to thin on a case-by-case basis and use the skim milk rule to judge when you have the proper mixture. The good part of this is you can be down to sludge in the bottle but adding their thinner completely reconstitutes the paint.

I have thinned paint for spraying and with Tru-color you can dump your thinned paint right back into the bottle with no issue. This is because it's actually an ink, not a paint. It reminds me of the old Accuflex, or rather Accuflex as it should have been without all the chemistry issues.

Her's the tough one for us cheapskates: USE THEIR THINNER! It's tempting to just use acetone, but your results won't be up to snuff. Guess how I know. It's expensive! $44.00 or so for 16 oz, but that will last a long time. There are other things in it besides acetone. I think there is a flow improver and a mild retarder to keep it from drying too fast which gives you that sandy finish or orange peel. Just my opinion but that's based on a ton of experience and having made most of the mistakes I speak of!

There is supposed to be a brushable version now, but I haven't tried it yet. Don't even try brushing the original. It's just too thin.
All true my friend, but I still love working with the stuff much better than acrylics.
Good evening gang!

Flo, can I just get a bowl of chocolate chip mint ice cream, and a diet Dr Pepper before bed? Amazingly, I didn't quit my job today, nut I was tempted. The new Boss is truly a dumbass, and is one of those that thinks he knows everything, but knows nothing. Not only is he clueless, he gets lots of exercise by jumping to conclusions all day! He's on my last nerve, I'm just biting my tongue for now.

Been decompressing with music tonight, Elton's "Blue Moves" LP .

I did do a little bit of weathering to some figures today with an India ink wash, but that's about it. I also have been studying some schematics a friend sent me with circuit killing properties for my 2 lift bridges. When the bridges are raised, power will cease for 4 feet on each side of the bridge.

Terry, cute dog, I am assuming a Chiweenie is a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix??

Willie, love the pics from Garry's layout. Other than the Western Maryland my next fav RR was the "Q".
Got one of these on the truck. Been slid into, both times by a Honda. Never hurt the hitch, did hurt the Honda!!

Sherrel, keeping you in our thoughts! 🙏

Cya tomorrow!
Hello Flo!!!!

It's good to see the gang is here.
I'm in a bit of a mood.
Flo, could I please get a large Dr. Pepper and a triple shot of Southern Comfort mixed in?
Also, the "Dining Car Delight"?
Number 18 on the dessert list.
Three scoops of any ice cream, in a large bowl, with whipped cream, one flavored topping and sprinkles.
Add chopped nuts for a nickel.
Come down to the end of the counter when you have a chance.
I want to see the MARS light dance in your eyes, as the red signals flash, while the dirty Penn Central F7 rumbles through the crossing.
You might not think much of it, but it makes my heart race. :)
Good morning all. A large coffee please, Flo. I was going to say no to the blueberry muffin, but since it is on the plate.

Gee! This miserable weather is ridiculous. Rain. Rain Rain.

Things to do around the house before any train room, so I had better get started.

Back later.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 67.
The power returned at 11:00. I hope the dog can recover from the trauma of yesterday. I hope my hands recover from her biting me... We're not off to a good start. She barked all night, which isn't unheard of, but she won't let me get within a few feet of her, and she is very skittish.
Just stoppin in for a quick splash of energy drink and to say thanks for your concerns of my recent jolt of mortality thought.
As it turns out, nothing to be concerned about. Take another look in a year.
Be concerned for Sherrel and the issues he's facing. Also, for his wife and family to be the close by support he needs at this time.
We occasionally wonder how we would respond to a life-threatening report from our doctor. To actually hear those words is beyond what one could imagine, and our internal self responds in ways we have trouble controlling.
Sherrel, you will be lifted up in my prayer circles for the days to come.
Morning all,

35° and clear, going for 65° later. Supposed to get colder for this weekend (of course), with highs in the upper 40's and low 50's.

Got the carb for the tiller and looks exactly like the original one, but we went out to get dinner last night (always take out) and I was beat when we got back. So hopefully tonight I can get it fixed.

Terry: The kids got a dog that's like that as well. He growls all the time (at least at me) but that's just they way he is. She'll come around.

Sherrel: Hopefully they'll get you back up to snuff shortly.

Good Morning Al!!!!!!!!!
Glad to see Bill made it in.
Flo, you've got that look of mischief on your face. :)
Could I please trouble you for the #6 breakfast menu item?
Yup! "The El Grande Del Rio Pacifico Garbage Platter"!!!!
I still don't know what's in it, but it's so good!!!!!!
Oh, and a large coffee too please!
Three shots of Irish Cream.
I need a wobble with my bounce. 🤣
well, howdy there internet peeps, and those with (fake) good American steel on your hobby bench...
It's Troy again...

Wife is home. We're temporarily back to (ab)normal.

I did some revising this morning, then set up (and paid for) some promotions for my first in-series book. That's $200ish spent in one morning and it's two weeks before I'll start to see returns. Mostly, it'll be a month or two before people read the 99c book and start purchasing later books in the series.

And, I think I might have an addiction to 1:56 scale tanks... here's what's on my hobby bench at the moment:

I need to hit them with another round of clear coat, then start the rust and grime streaking.

I've also got some Soviet steel (my own ISU 152) on the bench, and about 10 German PZ 4s, Tiger 1s, STuGs, and a Hetzer to finish up. They're all base-coated with camo. but two of them are screaming to be re-camoed. I might do them in tan and brown just to have variety.

I'm going for the late Desert, Italian campaign with my tanks. Though I may do another STuG up in German grey for a Stalingrad setting. We'll see.
Good Morning! -8F at the moment, with the mercury slowly rising.

There's a contractor headed this way from Edmonton, to measure up a new quartz bathroom vanity top for us. Yep!, the wife made me spend $1700.00 bucks on a new vanity top and sink, just so a person can wash their hands in beauty. I'm not sure if an elitist vanity top will make washing my face any easier; or maybe she won't even let me use it. - Suppose I got off easy. She could have insisted on a whole new vanity cabinet.

I was messing around with my depot windows yesterday. It looked like there was too much red/brown in the over-all colour scheme, so I tried to add some aged looking contrast:
3rdClass_03-05-2024 (1).JPG

If the contactor isn't here long, I'll work on windows today.

I also know I'll need to raise the building to platform height. I'm thinking bringing it up 1.6cm would be about right. The plan is to make a poured concrete crawlspace for the building to rest on.
To make the concrete, I've cut a balsawood form that will be layered in cheap dollar store, air-dry clay, and painted.
3rdClass_03-05-2024 (2).JPG

3rdClass_03-05-2024 (3).JPG

Might not get a chance to work the concrete idea until the weekend.

Sherrel - Praying the medical team does it's job for you, and that you'll not suffer long with those chemo visits. We need good people like yourself here.

Troy - The tanks are looking very good! Well done on the paint.
Karl - I went shopping for India ink in our local stationary store. The young clerk didn't even know what India ink is! Anyway, they don't sell it.
Terry - Wonderful little Chiwawa rescue. Should be a fine friend for you.
Jaz - Good thing you have superheroes! The layout looks like a dangerous place to live.
Hughie - I'm very impressed with the backdrop experiments. Well done, indeed!
David - You have an admirable layout. Really nice!

My dog who can tell time, knows it's time to head out. So, gotta go!
Have a wonderful day!
Good Morning All. Clear and 47° after the cool front came through yesterday morning. Mixed bag for the next few days.


A little of everything, but most importantly, no snow!

Yesterday was pretty much a copy of Monday, with various outdoor chores and a load of laundry.
After lunch and a nap, we went to vote in our state's primary. Elections in my county/precinct are relatively tame affairs. My county could be considered a "one-party" county. There's close to 30,000 registered voters in the whole county, but only 2800± voted, either in person or absentee yesterday. Of that number, almost 400 voted in one party's primary, while over 2400 voted in the other. In the election of 2020, the leading candidate for President got 97.6% in my precinct and 93.4% of the whole county. In the 24 races on the ballot yesterday, 8 candidates had no primary opponent, and 14 will have no opponent in the general election in November. I skip over anyone running unopposed in either the primary or general election; all 16 that I voted for yesterday won our county.

There was not a lot of project action out in the train shed yesterday, other than running trains. I needed to move one out of the way and I just couldn't put the throttle down. I did add another two dozen headstones to the cemetery, I can't do any more until I make some. Meanwhile for my next project, I am going to add trees to the layout. While running trains on the upper level, I made a list of 20 places that could use more, or some to begin with. I hate tree making, but I have made some over the last few months and sorted or repaired some that Chet sent me. One of my daughters also gave me some Chinese ones for my birthday that don't look too bad.
Back to the archives today. Back in 2011, I was leaving work and just around the corner on an old SLSF RIP track, the old rail museum had parked a Santa Fe motorcar for a few days on it's trip to it's new location.
03-23-11 040.JPG

03-23-11 033.JPG
03-23-11 032.JPG

03-23-11 035.JPG

It had passed by my work location earlier in the day under it's own power and I wasn't aware that it was going to park and rest overnight nearby. It ended up being there for three days.

Terry - I have not personally bumped into a trailer hitch, but my car has been damaged by one before. The lady who backed into me shouldn't have been driving such a big pickup to begin with.
Did you solicit the doggie, or was it donated? She should start behaving once she realizes who feeds her.
Mike - I have seen a few videos regarding homes close to tracks, but not that one before. Takes train watching to a new level.
Sherrel - Interesting that you brought up calling Garry's widow. I was looking for a particular post that he had made, and I noticed on his profile that someone logged in to the forum using his log-in on Jan 2 2024! He must be checking on us from Heaven.
Curt - I had plans to visit Garry on our next trip through Nashville on the way to visit my wife's sister in eastern Tennessee. We had exchanged messages but he left us before we fully planned the trip.

Everyone have a great day today.
Just stoppin in for a quick splash of energy drink and to say thanks for your concerns of my recent jolt of mortality thought.
As it turns out, nothing to be concerned about. Take another look in a year.
Be concerned for Sherrel and the issues he's facing. Also, for his wife and family to be the close by support he needs at this time.
We occasionally wonder how we would respond to a life-threatening report from our doctor. To actually hear those words is beyond what one could imagine, and our internal self responds in ways we have trouble controlling.
Sherrel, you will be lifted up in my prayer circles for the days to come.
That's great news Ken!!
Willie, the dog was donated, she was getting overstressed by a 2 and 4 year old at her former home.
Of course, last night was a disaster all-around. The dog won't let me get within 3' of her, and I'm for sure not going to just open the door for her to go out to do her business, and think she'll come back on command. So, we all know what I'm going to walk into when I get home tonight.
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