Oh Christmas Tree
The afternoon light fades as a Rio Grande crew cuts a Christmas tree, making good use of their time spent in the siding at Rocky. Earlier in the week brakeman Jim had spotted the nearly perfect tree near the east switch and promised to get it for his kids if he got the chance. While the engineer and brakeman quickly harvest the tree, the fireman stays on the engine to "mind the store". Excitement is high because everyone knows that they will soon be home for Christmas with their families once that last board finally shows green.
Hi everyone, Im new on this forum.

About the picture I have had in mind for years to model a winter layout, when I was a kid I used salt but in those years I didnt even had a powered loco, it was only an SD40-2 dummy that I bought used just as a kid buy hotwheels. :)

What did you use for your picture?
The "snow" is from Woodland Scenics. http://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/Item/SN140/page/1

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Holidays and Christmas Layouts
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grande man
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