Bear in Town

Bear in Town

It was a quiet time in Columbia, till the bear came to town, looking for an easy meal. The local police force quickly surrounded the beast. "Get your hands, er, paws up" Any one want to cuff him, no, ok, we'll wait for the game warden, he'll know what to do.
Nice shot Grampy, It could be a bit sharper but it's pretty nice as is. I like the striped awning on Sud's Bar in the background, nice city scene.

What is of the most interest to me is the tree in the park, did you make this and what did you use or is it commercial bought?
Why do I hear, "Don't shoot till you see the whites of his eyes!!" "BANG!!!!!"? Very cool scene....You never miss a spot for details. Very Nice!

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Dioramas and Mini-Scenes
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