Running Bear's March 2024 Coffee Shop

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LOUIS - NOT a Dodger fan!
Sure would like to see the Padres NOT in last place!
Good days and bad, chemo is hard, drop sugar if you can, eat fat for energy, hair today gone tomorrow, a friend along the road suffered but made it through and got her hair back, she was determined to beat it, walked each day even if tired (not advice just her attitude) hopefully you’ll win out, big hug,living goes fast, make it last. Find a good book or tv series have something positive to look forward to. Rest when you need to, and yes throw your angst here we your friends will take it, another hug.
Good days and bad, chemo is hard, drop sugar if you can, eat fat for energy, hair today gone tomorrow, a friend along the road suffered but made it through and got her hair back, she was determined to beat it, walked each day even if tired (not advice just her attitude) hopefully you’ll win out, big hug,living goes fast, make it last. Find a good book or tv series have something positive to look forward to. Rest when you need to, and yes throw your angst here we your friends will take it, another hug.
What Jaz said about sugar and refined carbs like white flour. With cancer avoid as those feed the cancer extra efficiently. Also some Vitamin C, Grape Seed, and Pycogenol (French maritime pine bark extract) as extra anti oxidants to help the body deal with the heavy cell oxidation that comes with chemo and radiation.
Good morning!


Nickel Plate agent George Thornburg does his paper work duties at Hibbard, Indiana. (August 10, 1956)
Photo from September 9, 1956 South Bend (Indiana) Tribune
Morning all,

42° going for 66° later.

Getting tired of the hacker crap and the trying to keep up with them. The geo-fencing is helping, but still, feel like I'm getting too old for the BS.

Need Coffee....Big mug today Flo...Thanks, and put everyone's beverages today on my tab. (Or I really need a vacation!)
Good Morning All. Partly cloudy and 51°, supposed to be in the 70's today and then thunderstorms start around midnight, and continue until noonish on Friday.

I don't have much time this morning, as I have the semi-annual dermatologist visit at 8:00 am this morning. The usual scan and look. At least he's the only doctor that I visit that doesn't tell me to lose weight.

Busy day yesterday with the laundry, dishwasher and more mowing. I also spread some compost and mulch in the garden and planted a pair of Basil plants that we got last week. Later I grilled burgers for supper

I had a little time out in the train shed though. I started on the second structure in that JL Innovative Design kit known as Trackside Jamboree. I glued the braces and the corner posts to the walls; then primered and painted them all. I cut out the sheet metal roof, but have not glued it to the cardstock yet.

The windows also got painted. It was a busy afternoon.

Mike97 - I have a few videos, but I can't post them here that I know of. You have to first post them to You Tube or some other social media site and I don't do that.

Gotta go now and shower before heading for town. Everyone have a great day.
Morning all,

42° going for 66° later.

Getting tired of the hacker crap and the trying to keep up with them. The geo-fencing is helping, but still, feel like I'm getting too old for the BS.

Need Coffee....Big mug today Flo...Thanks, and put everyone's beverages today on my tab. (Or I really need a vacation!)
Reads like you are getting closer to the retirement decision. It took me about 2 years of starting to hate all the stuff going on around me at work to realize it was time. Gave them a 180 day notice and the HR bitch said quit now! I knew then I had made the right decision. Told the owner(my brother) of the company and she was gone a few days later! I stayed only to get to my 62nd birthday. 21 years at the company and loved every second of the 1st 19 years.

The vacation also sounds good
Good morning to all from another breezy and cool day in So. Central Wisconsin. 27f degrees now feels like 14 on the first full day of Spring 2024. The high might get to 36! The breeze is running at 12mph but gusting into the high 20’s.

I just sent off my PayPal payment for way too many pre-ordered JB Hunt, Walmart and Amazon 53’ containers to STX. I have a client who talked me into splitting an order which I NEVER do. Conveniently last night he couldn’t cover his end. He’s good for it (I also have 4 of his diesels to weather to hold hostage, I mean for collateral) and if not these 3 container names are sold out everywhere as I did try to get more of them last week. I’m not worried about recovering the money I spent but he knew these were coming in March, put the money aside! My accountant (Terry) will scold me as I on my own decided not to speculate on train stuff in 2024. My 2 intermodal trains will be 30 cars each, so personally I’ll have extra containers to weather and…

Breakfast is out this morning but we haven’t decided where. Usually we go on Thursday mornings but we go see the traveling Broadway musical Mamma Mia Thursday night. 2 meals out in the same day we try to avoid unless we are traveling.

I received yesterday a re-supply order + for the weathering bench. My priority today is organize the bench and start weathering the next batch of 20 reefers

enjoy your day
Good morning!
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Nickel Plate agent George Thornburg does his paper work duties at Hibbard, Indiana. (August 10, 1956)
Photo from September 9, 1956 South Bend (Indiana) Tribune
G'day Bill,

Your foto brought back many fond memories - I was a radio operator/technician aboard ships and shore stations for 14 years; high speed Morse Code (speed key) was the pinnacle of success for my skill set (took years to develop it!).

Also, there is a fantastic mock-up similar to your foto at the California State RR Museum in Sacramento with the agent poised at her speed key in the office environment.

Enjoy the day!

Tom in Missouri
(09D) The replica rail depot at CSRM - telegrapher hard at work.jpg
Hummong bird feeders were washed and refilled yesterday - had a few show up as I was re-hanging them up (love watching them).

Todays mission is to learn my code reader that was a Christmas present. The CRV has an engine light on.
Second mission is meeting with an attorney to re-aline our Trust. I hate all attorneys - did I make myself clear -- I HATE ALL ATTORNEYS! They are the blight of this Nation!

JAZ, CHAD, LOUIS, and many others .. thanks for the encouraging words - much appreciated!
Reads like you are getting closer to the retirement decision. It took me about 2 years of starting to hate all the stuff going on around me at work to realize it was time. Gave them a 180 day notice and the HR bitch said quit now! I knew then I had made the right decision. Told the owner(my brother) of the company and she was gone a few days later! I stayed only to get to my 62nd birthday. 21 years at the company and loved every second of the 1st 19 years.

The vacation also sounds good
Stupid cow owner your bother glad he was not amused if she did that to you what was she like with normal staff
Good morning to all from another breezy and cool day in So. Central Wisconsin. 27f degrees now feels like 14 on the first full day of Spring 2024. The high might get to 36! The breeze is running at 12mph but gusting into the high 20’s.

I just sent off my PayPal payment for way too many pre-ordered JB Hunt, Walmart and Amazon 53’ containers to STX. I have a client who talked me into splitting an order which I NEVER do. Conveniently last night he couldn’t cover his end. He’s good for it (I also have 4 of his diesels to weather to hold hostage, I mean for collateral) and if not these 3 container names are sold out everywhere as I did try to get more of them last week. I’m not worried about recovering the money I spent but he knew these were coming in March, put the money aside! My accountant (Terry) will scold me as I on my own decided not to speculate on train stuff in 2024. My 2 intermodal trains will be 30 cars each, so personally I’ll have extra containers to weather and…

Breakfast is out this morning but we haven’t decided where. Usually we go on Thursday mornings but we go see the traveling Broadway musical Mamma Mia Thursday night. 2 meals out in the same day we try to avoid unless we are traveling.

I received yesterday a re-supply order + for the weathering bench. My priority today is organize the bench and start weathering the next batch of 20 reefers

enjoy your day
In another hobby nwes a 50 percent deposit or no order
and that should cover buying in the goods
amazingly they still get walk offs so have a part of the agreement that they sell the items with no refund
so they never pay out for the items and can still make profit on their own efforts
perhaps new orders need a deposit
Morning all,

42° going for 66° later.

Getting tired of the hacker crap and the trying to keep up with them. The geo-fencing is helping, but still, feel like I'm getting too old for the BS.

Need Coffee....Big mug today Flo...Thanks, and put everyone's beverages today on my tab. (Or I really need a vacation!)
Hang tough Patric!!!
Thanks for my extra large coffee with triple, wait, no, please make that quadruple Irish cream. :)
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