Running Bear's April 2022 Coffee Shop

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Good Morning All. Clear skies and 51°, should make 78° later today. Should be like yesterday with moderate winds of 12-15 mph from the south. This is a perfect day weatherwise for Rev. Steve J's trip into Dallas.

Tom - I have no issues with CA glue. Like Dave B, I use Gorilla brand and I apply a drop on a small piece of glass (remember I was in the window business) and usually use a toothpick to apply. If I need more precision or lesser quantity, I have a broken stub of a .020" drill bit that I use for application. It wipes off the glass with a paper towel, or if I let it dry, a single-edge razor blade or an Exacto knife will easily get it off.
Thanks for remembering my trip, Willie! Do you get bluebonnets? I'd love to see some this trip, but they may already be gone?

Y'all probably tire of my Larry Puckett tips, but I like another of his re CA glue. He said to find an old shot glass which has a concave base, like many of the old ones do. Use the glass upside down and put the CA glue into the concave base and apply from that. This helps the fluid to "pool" making it easier to get onto your applicator. And like Willie also observes - it is easy to clean the dried glue.
HEY Folks! Only supposed to reach 74f today with mostly cloudy!
I have a dental appointment in about an hour - so this will be sort of short?
KATE said that she felt not real good, but also not real bad - just blah!
I have a list of things to take out to her this morning later on; I was hoping to get in a little pool time however with the overcast and cloudy skies - don't think it will be as nice as I had wished for. She had decided that we could sit around the pool and on opposite sides of the table?
I was just thinking back last evening and realized that the two of us have not been apart for this length of time since we married in 1991! I am not liking it, but with my surgical procedure coming up next month ... I certainly do not want to come down with Covid and delay that. I've had the three "jabs" and I have decided that I really don't want another.

TomO - Very nice set of photos you put up! Also, I looked at your FB page yesterday - Very nice also!

CURT - Tks for reaching out to PHIL! If I can remember - I will try again today as well? BTW - how the heck do you navigate underwater? You do not have a visible reference point and not even a star to go from? Before today's "fancy stuff" we had doppler radar backed up with the NAVY's set of transmitters in which we would line up two oscillators in order to give us a point of reference. LORAN - there, I could not recall the name for a moment.

I've bent everyone's ear for too long ... Have a great day and "Keep on modeling"
Sherrel, back in the day, we used INS if there wasn’t any true contact with the surface.
INS stands for inertial navigation system. An oversimplification is, taking the time traveled, plus the speed traveled, equals your inertial position.
I asked in a previous thread about fixing an dcc engine that does not run on dc. When I tested to run it on dcc it didn't run either. Your answers were all informative but they were all over my head. Also at 88 years of age I have lazy eye syndrome which makes it so I can't see to do the work. Attached is a picture of the draw bar/plug for that engine. Of course I'll be glad to pay someone else to do this work that I can't


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HEY Folks! Only supposed to reach 74f today with mostly cloudy!
I have a dental appointment in about an hour - so this will be sort of short?
KATE said that she felt not real good, but also not real bad - just blah!
I have a list of things to take out to her this morning later on; I was hoping to get in a little pool time however with the overcast and cloudy skies - don't think it will be as nice as I had wished for. She had decided that we could sit around the pool and on opposite sides of the table?
I was just thinking back last evening and realized that the two of us have not been apart for this length of time since we married in 1991! I am not liking it, but with my surgical procedure coming up next month ... I certainly do not want to come down with Covid and delay that. I've had the three "jabs" and I have decided that I really don't want another.

TomO - Very nice set of photos you put up! Also, I looked at your FB page yesterday - Very nice also!

CURT - Tks for reaching out to PHIL! If I can remember - I will try again today as well? BTW - how the heck do you navigate underwater? You do not have a visible reference point and not even a star to go from? Before today's "fancy stuff" we had doppler radar backed up with the NAVY's set of transmitters in which we would line up two oscillators in order to give us a point of reference. LORAN - there, I could not recall the name for a moment.

I've bent everyone's ear for too long ... Have a great day and "Keep on modeling"
Sherrel, thanks.

I debated for years on creating that page. Finally decided to try it on 1/3/2022. While the page stays I am reducing my presence on FB to a couple groups. I had stayed until 1/2022 with 10 friends on FB of which 6 are family. Because of the layout page I starting accepting “friends”. Boy has that been a disappointment. Built the “friend” thing up to almost 600 and then invited them to my page. All of a sudden, every political, joke, meme or insult started showing. Many of these “friends“ had extreme, IMO, views for either side of an aisle plus really strange beliefs so I started unfollowing them. Down to 277 this morning with a bunch more going away today! If it wasn’t for the HO Shelf Layouts page, 2 weathering groups and the buy/sell groups I would get off FB.

Hope the wife gets to feeling better.

Tom O - Why booster #2? I have had the first three, but my doc said that I shouldn't need the 2nd booster. I'm just looking for other's opinions and experiences. I may be lucky or just immune right now. Neither my wife or I have gotten Covid although both SIL's and one grandson tested positive either before or after a birthday party for my wife in early February.
Willie - Opinions and experiences? I got those. Wife ( 65 ) and I ( 69 ) have both had covid - we think. Got symptoms that aligned with the current ones to watch out for. We think we have had it 3 times in the last ... what ... 2 years. I bucked it faster than she did; me overnight, her 24hrs. Although one of them gave us the 'really don't feel like doing sh.t today' for an additional 24hrs. Neither of us have had shots or boosters and have been tested thrice when we *had* to. I am diabetic ( Type II ), along with having a 3 pass three years ago, prostate cancer 2 years ago ( cured ). Do not have high blood pressure anymore, probably because I have been walking more and standing to watch the morning news. Sure don't sound like much, but it worked for me. Good side of it: Doc is thinking about cutting the Lorsartin in half ( BP ), along with the Empflagosin ( choresterol ) . Still doing Ozempic and Metropol and those dang baby aspirin. Apsirin keeps blood thinner and not clotting. A1C is 7.2 so Ozempic might get cut down also; have to wait for my next blood work in 3ish months or so. She does not have a thyroid and also doing choresterol med that I do not remember just now, no blood sugar issues yet. So why tell you all of that? It makes me wonder if *some* of the medical community really knows what they are doing, or just getting pill money. We know the .gov does not know what they are doing so there is no reason to believe them at all.

We both know our bodies as we have inhabited them for quite a few years, and our Doc ( same for both of us ) listens to what we have to say. Funny thing is a visit to the Doc usually turns into a BS session for an hour or so. She does poke and prod of course.
Willie - Opinions and experiences? I got those. Wife ( 65 ) and I ( 69 ) have both had covid - we think. Got symptoms that aligned with the current ones to watch out for. We think we have had it 3 times in the last ... what ... 2 years. I bucked it faster than she did; me overnight, her 24hrs. Although one of them gave us the 'really don't feel like doing sh.t today' for an additional 24hrs. Neither of us have had shots or boosters and have been tested thrice when we *had* to. I am diabetic ( Type II ), along with having a 3 pass three years ago, prostate cancer 2 years ago ( cured ). Do not have high blood pressure anymore, probably because I have been walking more and standing to watch the morning news. Sure don't sound like much, but it worked for me. Good side of it: Doc is thinking about cutting the Lorsartin in half ( BP ), along with the Empflagosin ( choresterol ) . Still doing Ozempic and Metropol and those dang baby aspirin. Apsirin keeps blood thinner and not clotting. A1C is 7.2 so Ozempic might get cut down also; have to wait for my next blood work in 3ish months or so. She does not have a thyroid and also doing choresterol med that I do not remember just now, no blood sugar issues yet. So why tell you all of that? It makes me wonder if *some* of the medical community really knows what they are doing, or just getting pill money. We know the .gov does not know what they are doing so there is no reason to believe them at all.

We both know our bodies as we have inhabited them for quite a few years, and our Doc ( same for both of us ) listens to what we have to say. Funny thing is a visit to the Doc usually turns into a BS session for an hour or so. She does poke and prod of course.
Todd thanks.

I have often thought of the doctors getting rewarded for pill pushing. The baby aspirin thing has bothered me for years. Then last Fall it came up again in Medical news. Spoke with both the GP and my Endocrinologist and they both felt the baby aspirin needed more studies but doubted it would be harmful. The Endo has become good friends with my wife and I asked again at dinner a month or so ago and she said depending on what the next study results are she was thinking of changing her mind. I will find out on 5/6/2022 If her opinion has changed.

I think part of pushing pills is because the Medical Community is getting so many legal complaints against them they are CYAing. That goes along with our society believing legal is the way to go. Sad! But, I have no bad words for the medical community I and the family have dealt with. They have saved me a few times and I am so grateful.

While I am still on 2 daily 1000mg tabs of Metforimin the Glipizide has gone from 1 tab of 10mg a day to 2.5. They took my thyroid in 2011 and my thyroid replacement meds are now 1 tablet of 75mcg Levithoroxin 6 days a week.

Todd thanks.

I have often thought of the doctors getting rewarded for pill pushing. The baby aspirin thing has bothered me for years. Then last Fall it came up again in Medical news. Spoke with both the GP and my Endocrinologist and they both felt the baby aspirin needed more studies but doubted it would be harmful. The Endo has become good friends with my wife and I asked again at dinner a month or so ago and she said depending on what the next study results are she was thinking of changing her mind. I will find out on 5/6/2022 If her opinion has changed.

I think part of pushing pills is because the Medical Community is getting so many legal complaints against them they are CYAing. That goes along with our society believing legal is the way to go. Sad! But, I have no bad words for the medical community I and the family have dealt with. They have saved me a few times and I am so grateful.

While I am still on 2 daily 1000mg tabs of Metforimin the Glipizide has gone from 1 tab of 10mg a day to 2.5. They took my thyroid in 2011 and my thyroid replacement meds are now 1 tablet of 75mcg Levithoroxin 6 days a week.

Tom - that is the stuff the wife takes. She lost her thyroid 1987ish. Doc's look so funny at her when she tells them it is gone. Metformin is messy. You might ask about something else not quite so messy and see what comes up.

Don't get me wrong, the medical community is good and I think they try their best. As far as pill money - we haul drugs - high value ones. The companies we haul for throw money at us so we know that there is a ton of money out there just to keep us happy. That alone is enough for me to conclude that the medical community is also getting some sort of kick-back for the stuff they peddle. I could be wrong, although from the outside looking in - it could be a whole new type of legal drug dealing. CYA is probably part of that game too.

As far as aspirin, years ago Dad's doc wanted him to take it. Said all he had to do is lick one everyday which would give him enough to keep his blood thin. I ask our Doc about that, she grinned but didn't say anything one way or t'other.
Todd thanks.

I have often thought of the doctors getting rewarded for pill pushing. The baby aspirin thing has bothered me for years. Then last Fall it came up again in Medical news. Spoke with both the GP and my Endocrinologist and they both felt the baby aspirin needed more studies but doubted it would be harmful. The Endo has become good friends with my wife and I asked again at dinner a month or so ago and she said depending on what the next study results are she was thinking of changing her mind. I will find out on 5/6/2022 If her opinion has changed.

I think part of pushing pills is because the Medical Community is getting so many legal complaints against them they are CYAing. That goes along with our society believing legal is the way to go. Sad! But, I have no bad words for the medical community I and the family have dealt with. They have saved me a few times and I am so grateful.

While I am still on 2 daily 1000mg tabs of Metforimin the Glipizide has gone from 1 tab of 10mg a day to 2.5. They took my thyroid in 2011 and my thyroid replacement meds are now 1 tablet of 75mcg Levithoroxin 6 days a week.

I would think the pill pushing plan would be found in the general clinics where there are several doctors working for the one office. The office manager is there to make money, not friends. Steering patients to specific specialists, prescribing specific brands of medication or referring to specific hospitals is part of the money making plan. It's not so much if the steering is truly good but more about the money the office makes on the referral. Patients are replaceable. There will always be quite a few of them.
You can FACEBOOK without the "friends" part. There is an awful lot of different groups and historical information ---
Most all of my FB friends are relatives and close family.
That part is nice such as the daughter and GKids presently on Okinawa and my kids on the Gulf and Atlantic Coast.
Cinnamon is supposed to help control (already healthy) blood sugar. Many cinnamon pills also have a small amount of chromium, which is what I think actually is what helps the most, but I don't know. I take a few cinnamon pils a day. I am not diabetic (through probably should be). We'll see what the next 10 years brings :)
Regarding medicines and pills - I have always believed that there is a kickback to doctors who prescribe certain drugs. I use Humana mail order pharmacy. They and my local Walgreens will always substitute tier I or II (generic) drugs on all of my prescriptions. My doctor is what I call a pharmacologist, not a nutritionist, and therefore prescribes things instead of suggesting life style changes. I have to press him for the reasons behind my afflictions. I have also learned to use certain trusted sites on the Internet. I believe in treating the causes, not masking the results. I'll use some drugs until I can figure out how to change myself to avoid having to use them. Some are inevitable, I still take Lorsartin and Metaprolol for blood pressure, but by losing 50 lbs I have been able to cut back on the dosages. I have also improved eating habits to bring my latest A1c down to 5.6 so the doctor reduced the Metformin by half. I have cut the Levithoroxin from daily to twice a week, I really think that it was just a blip on the blood test, since it only came up once. I have taken the aspirin for over twenty years figuring "what can it hurt?".

Tom/Todd - Thank you both for your views on the Covid vaccine
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