Running Bear's April 2022 Coffee Shop

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Back from the ice-fishing trip.
There's still a couple feet of ice on the lake, but she's getting soft. Usually, it's the edges off the beach one has to worry about first. When the strip of open water gets too wide, you can't jump it and are forced to wade through. I don't like that much.
I got 6 trout, the wife got 2. We released 7 of the Rainbows to let them get a bit bigger.
This is the only one we kept:

The wife wanted one trout for supper.
The women wants to go again tomorrow, but, I'm hearing we're going to get rain. We'll find out in the morning if we're fishing or not.
My dog don't like ice-fishing, and prefers staying on the beach chasing chipmunks around. - There were about another 10 die-hard fishermen on the other side of the lake. - It was a good day!

Have a good one!
Good evening. Even with some dense rain clouds, it was light until almost 8:10PM. On this evenings news, the weather person mentioned that Meteorological Summer begins June 1. Ha! Trying to rush Nature. Those folks can't stand anything not on their schedule. I recall a couple of early June trips to the Shore, where we froze our butts off.

I spent some time working with the layout. Mostly,I'm trying different backgrounds for the modules that encompass the yard, and the two before that. I have some decent ideas,but keep looking at urban landscapes. Got to try and fit Rubes Bar into the scene.

I have been raking last fall and winter's leaves that accumulated along the South and West fences. Not for nothing, some of these leaves had to come from other than the immediate neighborhood. Two more big bags filled today, probably another half dozen before I'm finished.

Robinhood the brokerage owned by Vlad Tenev, that is favored by Millennials and famous for its involvement in the GameStop saga, is cutting 9% of its full time workforce. Meanwhile, Alphabet, reported weak earnings especially for YouTube. Looks like the Market will keep tanking for a while.

Tomorrow, I drive down to South Jersey, to see a highly recommended Vein Specialist. I am looking for some insight as to why my left leg, swells and cramps. Also, how much of my discomfort is Circulatory, vs. Orthopedic or Neurological.

Guy: Nice looking trout.

Troy: Ah, the replacement 3D Printer, eh?

I've been scarce here, as things beyond our control impact us. (Like the wife's Prescription pre approval still hasn't happened, and tomorrow is her last pill). It's between the Pharmacy, the Physician and the Drug Plan Manager, and no one is talking. Over the long term, time for another doctor. New Rx plan come next October, and possibly a different pharmacy, although they they are but the messenger, but a new plan may involve a new pharmacy. :mad:

Yes I have done several tests. The down load speeds.range from about 225 Mbps on my Amazon kindle HD 10 to just over 390 Mbps on my Grandson's PC. I also tested my T-Mobile Revvl 5G phone that operates on my Wi-Fi network at 245 Mbps.
I've tested it many times and it is comparable to Comcast. I only used the Xfinity Speed test available online.

The biggest factor is your 5G signal strength. I'm fortunate to be near two T-Mobile 5G towers. If you call T-Mobile they can tell you how far you are from there nearest 5G tower.
Louis thanks.

I already have T-mobile the Magneta + service for our cell phones. I could live with the speeds u are getting.

I pay too much for Spectrum 400mb internet service at $70 per month but it goes out way too often. I switched from TDS 1 gig fiber optic service because they constantly throttled us down to 300mb after a few years. They of course denied it even after I showed them the proof. We had been with TDS for over 20 years. A good price at 120 per month if the speeds had stayed.

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Good morning all! 35 degrees heading for a sunny and 66. Hoping the overnight cold killed off some or all of the wasps I've been seeing around the place lately. Seems like they're here earlier and in larger numbers this year. Gotta get some wasp spray and get rid of the little creeps. Nothing much else to report. Hope you all have a great day!
Good Morning!
What a beautiful day!! The torrents of rain the weather guessers called for, is actually wet snow. I suppose that will melt off soon enough.
If it would stay rain, they're calling for a couple inches of it. - I'm glad. This will help with green-up and fill the watershed. It's a liveable 35F out there.
Good Morning All. Clear skies and 51°, should make 78° later today. Should be like yesterday with moderate winds of 12-15 mph from the south. This is a perfect day weatherwise for Rev. Steve J's trip into Dallas. Temperatures in the 80's for the foreseeable future. Maybe rain again on Monday. This morning should be the last morning with the temperature in the 50's until October. Today should also be the last day with a high temperature in the 70's until September. I've got to reach under the pool cover and check the temperature of the water real soon, to determine whether it's time to remove it and get the pool ready. I already purchased all of the needed acid and chlorine for the whole season. Both have been and still are in short supply since 2020. However the price here has not gone up.

Around the estate, the ground is still too soft for mowing with the tractor, despite all of the standing water disappearing Monday. I need to buy a small push mower for some areas anyway. I did use the weedeater for a while around the porch and along parts of the house yesterday.
I observed in the garden that those broccoli plants that I posted yesterday were fully recovered from the beat-down by the rain. View from the other side with some flourishing tomato plants in the foreground.

In the back of the scene, is my now much reduced wildflower meadow. I took 800 sq.ft. out of production when I moved the garden.

Different species in another location.

I am waiting to see the Indian Blankets (not Paintbrushes) show up soon. They are a May wildflower here. I get three or four other species here depending on the spring conditions.

Thanks as always for the likes and comments regarding the post yesterday. Steve J, Tom O, Sherrel, James, Rick, Karl, Smudge, Dave B, Hughie, Patrick, Curt, Guy, OB Ken, George.

It has been about a week since I ran trains, so that was my main focus yesterday in the train shed. I also revived a lethargic project from last year that I halted when my wife had her series of surgeries. I had started painting some bicycles and got this far.

Please also note that I changed the piece of cardboard on the workbench surface.

Can't tell in the picture, but there are many cuts in it.
OK, a kinda fuzzy picture, but this is where I am on the bicycles.

Tom O - Why booster #2? I have had the first three, but my doc said that I shouldn't need the 2nd booster. I'm just looking for other's opinions and experiences. I may be lucky or just immune right now. Neither my wife or I have gotten Covid although both SIL's and one grandson tested positive either before or after a birthday party for my wife in early February.
Terry - Goodness! Not only was the telephone lineman not wearing a life preserver, but he did not have a fall harness on either!
That's my thrice attended OSHA 30 hour training course showing through.
Dave B - A splitting maul! Good for you. Try that on one of these.

I already used the chainsaw on the left side. I stopped using the maul after breaking a handle and missing a nearby window by inches. Still get a good workout with the sledge and wedge.
Ken (D&J) - I think that you did the right thing calling the police in the case of the person between the tracks.
Tom - I have no issues with CA glue. Like Dave B, I use Gorilla brand and I apply a drop on a small piece of glass (remember I was in the window business) and usually use a toothpick to apply. If I need more precision or lesser quantity, I have a broken stub of a .020" drill bit that I use for application. It wipes off the glass with a paper towel, or if I let it dry, a single-edge razor blade or an Exacto knife will easily get it off.

National Prime Rib Day is today. I have one in the freezer but we will probably go to Outback and let them cook tonight.
Everybody have a great day.
For the moisture, or, that you dont have to venture out to the lake for more fishies?
Both! I'm hoping for a nice green-up and less fire season. And I don't like the ice this time of year. Now I don't need an excuse for the wife not to go.

I got 147 of those cheap Chinese figures in the mail yesterday. I'm surprised there is 27 different poses in the package, as I thought there might be multiples of about 4 poses. The number of poses makes up for the fact I got cheated out of receiving a few more figures that would have made up for the 150 promised:

These figures will be good for backgrounds and bldg. interior fill.

Getting lucky today. The wife has decided to do laundry instead of letting me do it. Suppose she wants her whites to come out white this time, instead of a cream colour.

Have a good one!
Good morning from cold and with the white stuff falling So. Central Wisconsin. 31f degrees that feels like 24 and with snow flakes falling that basically will just stick to the grass. High today 34. Yep, Springtime at its best.

Willie, the 2nd booster is for a few reasons. My doctors recommend it, my feeling is better safe then sorry as on May 5th my surgery is requiring a overnight hospital stay. The overnight stay in a hospital worries me as hospital are dangerous virus producing places and not just with Covid. I hate though when the doctors tell me you need it because you are a diabetic.

Baby aspirin, does anybody here take it? Based on the latest medical reports it doesn’t help. I take it because I am a diabetic and when I pushed the Endocrinologist in January she said it can’t hurt! Well, I will ask again after surgery for which I had to stop taking it as of yesterday.

Trains, slowly I seem to be getting back to it. 3 hours in the train room Monday. 4 separate 1 hour stints yesterday in which I finished weathering one side of 3 cars. I unboxed the newest locomotive a Athearn Genesis IC Gp38-2 in CN colors. Tested running DC.

Then, I added Sound Scale Speakers and a decoder buddy. I did the same for 2 MP15AC’s by Athearn Genesis but also added LEDs and ditchlights. Today, I hope to do the same for another Athearn RTR Gp38-2 and a Gp50 that are both still in primer for my WRVT RR free lance.

I had been waiting for the Soundtraxx Tsumani2 sound decoders that have been on back order for awhile from the LHS. I cancelled those. The new decoders ordered Monday from online should appear next week or sooner. I have switched from ESU decoders and while I loved the sound they were a PITA. I don’t own a LokSound programmer for $150 nor do I use JMRI. Trying to adjust CV’s had gotten too frustrating. Side by side sound comparisons, ESU vs Tsumani2 I can’t really notice a difference. Motor control may slightly favor the ESU but again I am not sure as they both move the loco for me. I thought I would miss ESU’s drive hold but Soundtraxx has something close.

Last night I did what I promised myself I would not. I ordered 2 Gp30’s from Scaletrains. They will be stripped and made into my free lance

Enjoy the day
I got 147 of those cheap Chinese figures in the mail yesterday. I'm surprised there is 27 different poses in the package, as I thought there might be multiples of about 4 poses. The number of poses makes up for the fact I got cheated out of receiving a few more figures that would have made up for the 150 promised:
I have gotten a few packages of Chinese figures before. The one in the middle of the bottom row counts as two figures to the Chinese supplier.
Baby aspirin, does anybody here take it? Based on the latest medical reports it doesn’t help. I take it because I am a diabetic and when I pushed the Endocrinologist in January she said it can’t hurt! Well, I will ask again after surgery for which I had to stop taking it as of yesterday.
It is part of my daily regimen , Metformin, Glimepiride, HCZT, baby aspirin, fish oil and cinnamon. Breakfast of Champions!
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