xtrackcad for Mac


New Member
This is a follow up on my other post. Could someone tell me how large the file is for xtrackcad 4.03a for mac I only downloaded about 9 mb. It may be a 20 mb file. If so that may be my problem.
From what I see on the website, the .dmg file for the MAC you have is 8.5 mb. So you should have all you need. The download may not be the problem. WishI could offer more, but I don't have a mac to experiment with.

Please tell us more of what exact problem you are having with the download.... More info about the Mac you are using would be a help too.
No problem with the download. I downloaded the 8.5 mb xtrackcad program and have been learning how to use it. I did a trial plan and tried to print it and it will not print. I went to print setup and selected lp and tried with file neither work. I entered my deskjet where it is required..
I go to print. I do a snapshot, the screen goes negqtive and I hit print and nothing happens. I I try without snapshot and select a page to print I get the print to file window asking which file to use. I click on the file and nothing happens.
I am using a Macbook with os x 10.5 and the x11 xtrackcad program
Hmmmmmmm??? I am not familiar with this specific program... Is it a "full" copy, or do you have to send some $$$ to be able to use the full program? If it is the full program, I would suggest that you get in touch with the company and see if their support can be of help.

Sorry I can't be of more help. I have been using Empire Express for track layout.

Let us know what you find out, it may be of real help to others (particularly us Apple Heads....)
