WOW! THE WIFE SAYS YES! To my new Layout...AND!!

I'm also casting my vote in favor of the extra 2 feet! Every cubic foot of extra space will come in handy, whether for a larger layout or a workbench.
Go big-it will give you more modeling options, or space if you get out the hobby for some reason. Don't want to kick yourself later, regarding shouldhave/wouldhave/couldhave...

Regarding the trackplanning(or CAD) software, I use the old Abracadata's 3D RR CAD. Do you have a CAD/drafting background? What I use has a smaller learning curve than some others, + plenty of libraries of both track, scenery, and structures. Any sort of CAD program can have quite a learning curve, if you're not familiar with CAD, or drafting in general...
I've never heard anyone say "I wish I had built it two feet smaller", if that helps?
If you can put the 2 feet in I sure would. You can never have too much room for a layout.
