woodland hobb E tac


Does anyone know if woodland Scenics HobbE tac is the same stuff as regular tacky glue? Is there a cheaper alternative to hobbE tac?
I use Aleene's original tacky glue instead. It's a little thicker but you can get a huge bottle for not a lot of money. I don't know it it's the same thing or not but it sure works well.
Tacky Glue

I use Aleene's original tacky glue instead. It's a little thicker but you can get a huge bottle for not a lot of money. I don't know it it's the same thing or not but it sure works well.

Does it dry clear and what kind of store and where do you get it.
It dries fairly clear. It's a little opaque I guess. You can find it at Craft stores like Michaels or Hobby Lobby. It's in a brown bottle. I bought the big one a year ago and after planting 200 trees I still have half a bottle left.
I use Tacky glue like crazy. In fact just about every bit of foliage on my layout uses it.
